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Motocaddy M3 Pro Electric Trolley Review

By: Golfshake Editor | Thu 21 Mar 2019

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Motocaddy's M3 PRO is a compact trolley that boasts a wide variety of innovative features and many upgrades from the previous incarnation, ensuring that it's smaller when folded, making for convenient storage and transport capability, in addition to possessing three distance measurements (Drive, Round and Life); a USB charging port; and a new-look high resolution LCD colour screen. 

The M3 PRO include space-saving inverted wheels to help achieve a significantly reduced folded footprint, plus a next generation 28V high power system, making it powerful. The super-light Lithium batteries are also claimed to be a third smaller than the closest equivalent on the market. 

Golfshake's Kevin Paver has been testing the M3 PRO for several rounds and shares his review from Stowmarket Golf Club, talking us through the technology, demonstrating how it works, and explaining what he thinks of the product.


Tags: trolley motocaddy

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