Stewart Golf Z1 Push - Winter Rules
Golfshake's featured the Stewart Golf Z1 Push trolley previously, which was highly rated, but just in time for the wetter weather and also for Christmas the guys over at Stewart Golf have released a full hedgehog wheel set specifically for the Z1 Push.
The hedgehog wheels are designed to lower the level of interaction between the golf trolley and the golf course, reducing the damage caused during wet weather conditions keeping the fairways healthier.
Just like the Z1 Push trolley the wheels look great and rather than messing around with wheel covers, that you have to clamp on, Stewart provide the hedgehog wheels individually which includes 2 large rear wheels and unlike some other models a smaller front wheel which is a nice touch.
The individual hedgehog wheels retail at £79 but if you order before Christmas along with a Stewart Z1 Push Trolley you can get them half price.
I recently tested out and the wheels are fantastic, easier to put on and definately no messing about like the cover wraps, look great and to be honest you don't notice any difference other than you get to use your push trolley during the winter. I did notice some minor vibration when pushing on paths but that said golf is normally played on the grass!
To find out more about the Z1 Push trolley check out our review on Golfshake via: /news/view/2534/Stewart_Golf_Z1_Push_Cart.html