Revealing The State of Golf Club Membership in 2024
The results of our latest golf club membership survey are in, with 3,000 Golfshake subscribers responding.
The majority of those who responded have been club members for some time with 46% having been a member for more than 10 years. Interestingly, 16% had been a club member for less than two years, possibly highlighting recent changes which focus on the influx of new members and opportunities to switch golf clubs.
Unsurprisingly there was a big difference in membership costs across the country.
Golfers outside the South and Midlands believe that club membership provided the best value for money with 70% happy with what they are paying, 17% believing they do not get good value and 13% unsure. This compared to 66% for the South and Midlands.
The costs increases in 2024 compared to 2023 differed slightly.
Did The Cost of Your Membership This Year Change Compared to 2023?
- Stayed the same - 13% in the South, 10% Midlands, 8% North, 5% Scotland
- Increased up to £50 - 27% in the South, 34% Midlands, 45% North, 59% Scotland
- Increased £50-£100 - 34% in the South, 39% Midlands, 36% North, 27% Scotland
- Increased £100+ - 26% in the South, 16% Midlands, 11% North, 5% Scotland
Perhaps the biggest surprise in the figures above relates to the number of clubs that did not increase annual fees for their members. There is a common perception within the game that an annual increase is inevitable but for at least 300 of you, that was not the case in 2024.
So how well did golf clubs do when explaining why fees were being increased?
The Midlands came out on top when asked whether the clubs explained why the membership fee had increased, 77% stating yes, compared to just 70-72% everywhere else.
When asked if you felt that your golf club had invested enough in the club/course development over the past 18 months, it was the South that led the way, with 70% agreeing, compared to 63% within the other regions.
Since the end of the Covid pandemic, two key areas have changed within our sport - waiting lists have returned and joining fees have been reintroduced.
(Image Credit: Kevin Diss Photography)
Does Your Club Have a Waiting List?
- South - 35% yes, 48% no, 17% unsure
- Midlands - 26% yes, 61% no, 13% unsure
- North - 26% yes, 65% no, 9% unsure
- Scotland - 23% yes, 68% no, 9% unsure
Does Your Club Have a Joining Fee?
- South - 46% yes, 51% no, 3% unsure
- Midlands - 36% yes, 62% no, 2% unsure
- North - 31% yes, 67% no, 2% unsure
- Scotland - 33% yes, 63% no, 4% unsure
Does Your Club Have a New Member Buddy System?
- South - 19% yes, 58% no,23% unsure
- Midlands - 21% yes, 57% no, 22% unsure
- North - 19% yes, 60% no, 21% unsure
- Scotland - 13% yes, 65% no, 22% unsure
It is surely a matter for genuine concern that so few clubs have buddy systems designed to help new members meet like-minded people and integrate.
Are You Happy With Tee Time Availability?
- South - 73% yes, 5% no, 22% sometimes
- Midlands - 70% yes, 6% no, 24% sometimes
- North - 70% yes, 5% no, 26% sometimes
- Scotland - 72% yes, 4% no, 24% sometimes
Are You Happy With Pace of Play?
- South - 42% yes, 23% no, 35% sometimes
- Midlands - 45% yes, 26% no, 29% sometimes
- North - 42% yes, 27% no, 31% sometimes
- Scotland - 50% yes, 22% no, 27% sometimes
When you consider the strength of feeling surrounding slow play, the only surprise here is that more of you are not unhappy with how long it take you to complete 18 holes.
Finally, things appear relatively healthy.
From The Knowledge You Have Are The Following Statements True or False?
Overall, club golf still seems to be holding its own, with most members pretty happy with their lot.
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Tags: industry insider GOLFERS Golf Clubs Golf Club Membership Golf daily picks