What Things SHOULD Be In Your Golf Bag
AS part of our weekly coverage of the PGA and DP World Tours, we tell you what clubs are in the bag of the winner.
For most club players, golf bags tend to be something that we fill with all sorts of detritus. And I am as guilty as everybody else. From time to time I decide to clear out my bag and am appalled by some of the things I find.
So here’s what I think SHOULD be in your golf bag.
You can carry 14 clubs, but maybe ask yourself if you really need all 14, especially if you are somebody who carries your bag. Do you really need that two iron you have used twice since you put it in the bag? And are your clubs clean? If nothing else, you really should keep your irons clean - and perhaps buy some protective covers for them.
If you are anything like me you will have far too many golf balls in your bag. How many do you actually need? And get rid of those old balls you have found in the trees that you just know you will never, ever use.
Most of us have a towel or two attached to our bag. And most of us never clean those towels - go on, surprise yourself. Stick them in the washing machine. And if it starts to rain, put them inside your bag - that's what all those zips and compartments are for.
Do you really need 5,000 golf tees? Probably not. And will you ever use any of those broken tees you keep picking up? Doubtful.
(Image Credit: Kevin Diss Photography)
Spare Jumper
If you put a spare top in your bag, please make sure you remove it at the end of the round if you haven’t worn it. I have lost count of the number of times I have forgotten to do that very thing and later found an expensive golf jumper creased. This is never going to win you any brownie points with your other half!
Pitchmark Repairer
Before you head out on the course, do you have a pitchmark repairer in your bag? Put it in your pocket and use it on every green. If you don’t have one go into the pro’s shop and buy two (we should all have a spare, just in case).
Ball Markers
I have a lucky coin - I actually can’t remember why it’s lucky, but it always goes into my pocket before I start my round. And I also have a lovely little Golfshake branded ball marker. No golfer should be without one!
An essential extra for any golfer who plays in the UK - and most of us usually stick them in our bags while they are still wet. Yuk! We should all get into the habit of taking them indoors and ensuring they are dry before putting them back in your bag. I regularly wash my waterproofs. And so should you.
Don’t skimp on golf shoes. There are lots of options out there. Look after them and they will look after your feet - and they will last!
Another essential item, and something that should be looked after. Handy hint - buy a decent one!
Cold Drink
On a hot summer’s day there is nothing to beat being able to grab a cold drink from your bag. I used to carry cans of Coke but it’s water for me these days. Oh, all right, I admit it - sometimes I will grab a can of beer from the on-course vendor.
Flask of Coffee
A hot drink will keep you warm if you play during the winter - coffee, tea or soup.
Hip Flask
And you probably want to put something into your coffee. My favourite tipple is a drop of malt. It warms the cockles of your heart and keeps the cold out.
Energy Bars
If you are going to be out on the course for four hours (or more!), it’s a good idea to pack a couple of energy bars to keep you going.
If you stick a bar of chocolate in your bag please remember to eat it that day. You won’t like what you find if you don't.
Stroke Saver
Stroke savers are made of paper - instead of hoping for the best, put it in a small plastic bag to keep it dry. And if you don’t use it, why not just dispose of it?
If you have an adjustable driver, do you have the relevant tool in your bag? But remember that you cannot use it mid-round. Do you have a groove cleaner/sharpener?
Ball Retriever
An essential part of my kit. Ideal for digging that shiny ProV1 out of the gorse bush!
Many club golfers don’t look after their trolley, and I count myself among that number. On a regular basis I forget to take my battery in from the car, which means that when I next go out to play it is as flat as a pancake.
How often have you seen club golfers pulling out a glove that has holes in the palm and fingers? Gloves really aren’t that expensive - try to carry a spare - especially useful if you get caught in the rain. Thermal gloves are a lifesaver during the winter. There are few more miserable experiences than being unable to feel your grips because your hands are frozen to the bone.
Many golf courses have gorse bushes and if you attempt to retrieve a golf ball with your hand the chances are that you will cut yourself. I always have an assortment of plasters in my bag.
You really do not want to be spending four hours in the blazing sun without any protection. I always have a bottle of sunscreen in my bag - and so should you.
I don’t like wearing a baseball cap but when the sun is high in the sky it really is the only thing to do.
If you use one of these - and many traditionalists still refuse to do so - make sure that a) you keep it in your bag and b) that it has fresh batteries or is fully charged.
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Tags: GOLFERS Golf daily picks