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The First Golf Clubs We Ever Had

By: | Fri 19 Jul 2019

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Can you remember the first golf club that you used? Maybe you still have it hidden away somewhere. We've all got stories. Depending on your age when you started playing, these can be as varied as a cut-down iron from when you were a child, a vintage wood from a long forgotten manufacturer, or even a modern set that you borrowed from a friend. 

But can you beat this? When digging around the house, one member of the Golfshake team found an Avenger wedge inscribed with the name of Max Faulkner, the 1951 Open Champion at Royal Portrush. How about that!

The earliest golf clubs date back to the 15th century, but they have always been a business. King James IV of Scotland is believed to have purchased the earliest recorded golf equipment in 1502 in the city of Perth - then known as St John's Town - though William Mayne is known to be the first verifiable specific club maker, being commissioned by King James VI in 1603.

It's certainly doubtful that any of your original clubs will compete with that, but we asked the Golfshake Community to tell us what their first clubs were, some of you even still had them for a photo opportunity! Check out this library of classics.









Here are some of your social media comments that generated a touch of nostalgia!

So, what are the clubs that you first played with, or the ones that you simply can't let go! We'd love to know.

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Tags: Golf Clubs gear equipment clubs

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