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Take your game to a new level this winter

By: Alan Fletcher | Mon 11 Nov 2013 | Comments ()

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You may be looking outside and seeing that the weather is a bit drab, but what can you do to make sure this is your best year ever?!

PGA.com / InstagramYou could however look at the early part of the season, possibly for the first time, as an excuse to improve yourself and your game so that when the 2015 season rolls around you hit the ground running. There are a number of small things you could do over the next 3 months that could amount to a huge change come summer. Follow some of my advice to make sure your game is possibly the best possible shape when you want it to be.

Get your equipment checked! This doesn’t mean running down to the local shop when the offers fly out and because it’s “only £149” buying the next quick fix. Go to a PGA golf professional or coach and let them spend some time with you, checking your shafts, grips, loft and lie angles and your set make up to make sure your equipment is not making the game harder for you. These guys are trained to make sure you use something suitable not sell you the next big thing!
Set some goals! Not toxic goals which may be “I know I’ll be happier when...” but some processes that you are going to change. For example you may decide to drink only water from now on the golf course to help dehydration. It’s a goal and it’s not results based.
Small Steps, little changes make big results. Rather than saying “next year is going to my best ever” or “I am going to range 5 times a week this winter” when you barely managed 5 times a year last year means you’re going to try and commit to something that is to far outside your comfort zone. Make the changes small and keep progressing them on a weekly basis. Commit to get to the club 15minutes earlier or hitting the driving range once a week to start, it’s manageable and you will keep it up.
Hire a Coach! Not sure how much I need to expand on this. Get a coach that wants to periodise a plan for you to reach your goals for 2014. 
Get Assessed – Check yourself out with a trainer. Make sure that the movements your coach wants you to make technically, you can actually make physically. Also by looking after and improving your health, you will increase your energy levels and focus on the golf course.
Pick out 1 of the pieces of advice today and action something before Sunday night! I am also looking to help keen, passionate and open minded golfers improve physically and technically, so if you have any questions please feel free to contact me!
Have a great pre-season and come out this summer with all guns blazing!
Image : PGA.com - Instagram/KatGriggs

To book a session with Alan or to contact for more details about his coaching visit www.alanfletchergolf.com or call 01223276169.

You can also follow Alan on twitter AFletcher_PGA or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AlanFletcherGolf

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Alan Fletcher is Head Professional at Girton Golf Club, PGA member and qualified Personal Trainer and fitness coach.

To book a session with Alan or to contact for more details about his coaching visit www.alanfletchergolf.com. You can also follow Alan on twitter AFletcher_PGA or Facebook www.facebook.com/AlanFletcherGolf


Alan Fletcher

Alan Fletcher is Head Professional at Girton Golf Club, PGA member and qualified Personal Trainer and fitness coach. Alan is passionate about players not only improving their golf but understanding themselves and hopefully adding to a players life in a positive way.

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