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Power vs Touch

By: James Ellis | Fri 14 Sep 2012 | Comments ()

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Luke Donald - Short GameWith the modern game becoming more about the perfect technique and how far you can hit the ball, golfers are focusing less on the skill and feel of the game.

The reality is, the part of the game which requires less power and technique but more feel still remains the key ingredient in order to be a good golfer and even win major championships.

Back in 2007 Luke Donald, The world number one golfer, was convinced he needed more power within his swing in order to improve.

As Luke worked harder to introduce more power into the swing, his game started to lose its groove and consistency reducing the number of  fairways and greens hit within each round.

As a result of his now slightly more erratic play, Luke was required to spend extra time working on his short game in order to still compete at the highest level.

As Luke realised,  power, as well as it is an asset to good golf if you have it naturally, was not the  focus he required, and slowly his long game returned to its former consistent self. As this happened  the extra attention that he had spent on practising around the green suddenly paid off and it was this  part of his game that helped propel him up the ranking to number one.

As amateur golfers, the workings of the swing are important, but the game is won and lost around the green and working on the short game can be a lot more fun than beating balls on a driving range.



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James Ellis is the Professional at the leading indoor golf facility, Urban Golf and is also the creator of POCKET PRO GOLF APP.

Download James's 'THE PRO THATS ALWAYS WITH YOU' app featuring 25 lessons here via the iTunes store or visit www.pocketprogolf.co.uk

James Ellis

James is a golf professional with over 20 years' experience and a great passion for changing the way golfers learn how to enjoy this great game.

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