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What Should You Eat on The Golf Course

By: | Tue 20 Feb 2024

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My body is a temple. No, seriously, it is. Stop sniggering at the back of the room. 

Oh, OK, I admit it - for most of my life I have been something of a slob. 

The Covid lockdown changed things for me. For the first time in my life I began to think about my long-term fitness and mental well-being and, shock, horror, I began a fitness regime that saw me take up jogging and taking a long, hard look at my diet and lifestyle.

And it worked. By cutting out crisps, chips, pies and suchlike and starting to eat a more healthy diet, the pounds fell off. And I have just about managed to keep the weight off.

As I return to playing golf on a regular basis I am confident that I can maintain my fitness levels and that my flexibility will improve. I have already noticed a huge difference in the after-effects following 18 holes. I have gone from crawling off the 18th green and climbing straight into a piping hot bath to being able to stride to my car, go home without complaint and get up the following morning without every muscle in my body howling in protest.

But I have made a couple of schoolboy errors by forgetting to put any food and/or drink into my golf bag. And that got me thinking (sorry!) about the fuel we should be putting into our bodies as we stumble round a golf course.

Back in the day I would stuff all sorts of rubbish down my throat. 

Hands up, I admit that I almost always start the day with a bacon sandwich. In my defence, the bacon is not fried - it is cooked in an air-fryer. And I make no apologies.

Most of us are actually guilty of ignoring hunger pangs on the course, telling ourselves that it will be fine to wait until we get to the clubhouse. This is not good for you. If you are hungry, you should eat. We all need nutrition to thrive.

Calories That You Burn

Think about this - you can easily burn 2,000 calories during 18 holes -  that’s the recommended daily intake for women and 500 short of the daily recommended intake for men. Put simply, if you have not consumed sufficient calories you are likely to feel tired and lethargic - the last thing you want when playing a sport that demands concentration.

I used to be a Boy Scout. Their motto was: be prepared. That also applies to golf. If you don’t equip yourself with the right snacks you will almost certainly end up stuffing your face with chocolate bars, and that can’t be a good thing. And that’s before you put chocolate in your bag and then forget about it until the red-hot summer day when you realise it has melted - all over your waterproofs!

Avoid Dehydration

Make sure you have plenty of water with you to avoid dehydration. This is also essential if you happen to playing with a hangover!

What Should You Eat on The Golf Course

(Image Credit: Kevin Diss Photography)

Protein & Carbs

So what should we be snacking on during our round? Everybody’s metabolism is different but after three or four holes, it is a good idea to chomp on a cereal bar, which will provide a small boost of carbohydrates and ensure you aren’t dipping into your reserves. The more you dip into your reserves, the more your energy levels will suffer. It is also a good idea to carry some fruit and nuts, which provide a good balance of slowly digesting fibre and fat.

Around the turn, you should be looking to eat something that provides a good balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat. Experts recommend something like a tuna or chicken sandwich on brown bread. Apparently, chicken and tuna provide high-quality protein, and brown bread is better for you than white.

Give Yourself An Energy Boost

Over the final six holes, you might be looking for another energy boost - this will make sure you don’t feel sluggish and help you concentrate. Bananas, dried fruit and nuts are all good options. If you watch professional golf on a regular basis you will be aware that most of them eat a banana at some point - if it is good enough for them it is good enough for you.

During the winter, take a flask of hot coffee with you - and there is nothing wrong with adding a dash of whisky. During long hot summer days it may be tempting to down a can of cold beer - this should be avoided. Alcohol will dehydrate you. Try pure orange juice instead. If your preference is a can of fizzy drink, opt for a sugar-free one. Trust me - if you close your eyes you cannot tell the difference between, say, standard Coca Cola and Diet Coke.

And so, if you follow all the rules above, your body will also be a temple! And you may even find yourself playing better golf.

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