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Effective Practice Series - Transition Box

By: Emga (East Midlands Golf Academy) | Sat 28 Oct 2017 | Comments ()

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The standard thought of most golfers on the range is the classic mentality of "the more balls I hit, the better I will be." But according to Steve Astle, this thought process is outdated and can have a negative effect on your practice. 

Steve believes the most effective and efficient way to practice when entering the transition box is to carefully think through the drill or feeling that your coach has asked you to work on, and stick with that, regardless of the actual result of the shot. 

By carefully analysing the intended feeling of your swing instead of what the resulting shot looks like you will start to realise the key points for what an effective and consistent golf swing feels like, compared to religiously hitting golf balls for 1 hour, expecting each shot to be perfect without actually working on anything important. This form of effective practice will be the difference of being a good golfer for 10 minutes on the range, compared with being a brilliant golfer on the course. 

Related Content: Tuition Steve Astle

The East Midlands Golf Academy (EMGA) at Morley Hayes is Derbyshire's Number 1 Golf Complex.

For more information on the East Midlands Golf Academy visit: www.emga.co.uk

For more information on Morley Hayes Golf Club visit: www.morleyhayes.com


East Midlands Golf Academy

The East Midlands Golf Academy (EMGA) at Morley Hayes is Derbyshire's Number 1 Golf Complex.

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