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Add consistency to your game with this hand path drill

By: Yorkshire Golf Coach | Tue 10 Oct 2017 | Comments ()

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No golfer will have a completely neutral and perfect hand path into the ball, but making sure this path is as close to neutral and consistent as possible is key to becoming a successful golfer. 

Ryan Metcalfe believes the typical fault he sees in most golfers is coming over the top leading to a hand path that moves aggressively to the left, which can cause a variety of bad shots such as shanks and slices. 

However, using Metcalfe's simple hand path drill, it will allow you to create a more neutral and better hand path which will encourage more consistent and successful golf shots out on the course. 


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Ryan Metcalfe (aka YorkshireGolfCoach) is an experienced & passionate PGA Professional who's been based at The Manor Golf Club in Yorkshire since 2013.

For more information on the Yorkshire Golf Coach visit: www.yorkshiregolfcoach.co.uk

You can follow Ryan online via @yorkshiregc, Facebook: www.facebook.com/yorkshiregolfcoach or via Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/RyanMetcalfePGA



Ryan Metcalfe (aka YorkshireGolfCoach) is an experienced & passionate PGA Professional based at The Manor Golf Club in Yorkshire.

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