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How to Fix Your Chipping Yips

By: Yorkshire Golf Coach | Thu 20 Jul 2017 | Comments ()

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The yips are usually linked to a negative mental mindset regarding a particular shot, however Ryan Metcalfe believes that most chipping yips are caused poor technique which then leads to a poor mindset when it comes to short game shots. 

One of the significantly poor technical issues with most amateur golfers is having either very stiff and rigid wrists into the ball causing thins and low trajectory shots. Alternatively, some golfers will have too much wrist hinge and decelerate into the ball causing fats or the dreaded 'duff' right in front of their feet. All of these inconsistencies lead to poor shots leading to chipping yips. 

Metcalfe believes finding the balance in between the two of these shots is the perfect chipping action required to cure these yips. By simply following his drill of practicing a swing motion that is in between both of these unsuccessful actions, it will naturally lead to better short game results, helping improve your chipping yips over time. 

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Ryan Metcalfe (aka YorkshireGolfCoach) is an experienced & passionate PGA Professional who's been based at The Manor Golf Club in Yorkshire since 2013.

For more information on the Yorkshire Golf Coach visit: www.yorkshiregolfcoach.co.uk

You can follow Ryan online via @yorkshiregc, Facebook: www.facebook.com/yorkshiregolfcoach or via Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/RyanMetcalfePGA



Ryan Metcalfe (aka YorkshireGolfCoach) is an experienced & passionate PGA Professional based at The Manor Golf Club in Yorkshire.

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