Why You Can't Hit a Draw
For lots of golfers there is a constant struggle in being able to consistently hit a draw when out on the golf course. Many average golfers will over complicate the swing and think about too many aspects to achieve anything successful, however, Ryan Metcalfe believes that your spine angle at address and at impact is the key for getting into a successful position to hit a consistent and effective draw.
The typical golfer who slices the ball will have too much forward lateral bend, this causes them to stay on top of the golf ball for longer, not effectively turning into the ball and eventually leading to a slice across the ball, which might lead to pulls, slices or even shanks.
By changing your spine angle to have more reverse lateral bend on the downswing it naturally corrects your swing path and impact position into the ball, a position which will favour a more consistent draw shot shape.
According to Metcalfe, this simple routine of practicing a more effective spine angle, will naturally lead to a more successful swing, perfect for hitting a consistent and effective draw.
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Ryan Metcalfe (aka YorkshireGolfCoach) is an experienced & passionate PGA Professional who's been based at The Manor Golf Club in Yorkshire since 2013.
For more information on the Yorkshire Golf Coach visit: www.yorkshiregolfcoach.co.uk
You can follow Ryan online via @yorkshiregc, Facebook: www.facebook.com/yorkshiregolfcoach or via Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/RyanMetcalfePGA
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Ryan Metcalfe (aka YorkshireGolfCoach) is an experienced & passionate PGA Professional based at The Manor Golf Club in Yorkshire.
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