Wilson Staff naKed neXus: The Last Bags Standing
The entry period for the Wilson Staff naKed neXus Custom Bag Contest, a global initiative allowing consumers to create their own neXus bag design, is now closed with entries down to the final 3.
Thousands of submissions have been reviewed by a panel of judges, and three designs were selected as the last bags standing, thanks to the efforts of:
A: Dan Mann from Vancouver, Canada
B: Gregg Strepp from Florida, USA
C: Brian Tracy from Hampshire, England
The ultimate winner will be left to votes online through the popular social media sites of Faceboo, Twitter and Instagram. To vote simply reply to either social media channel posts with your choice “A”, “B” or “C” in the designated space.
At the end of the week, the design with the most votes will be incorporated into the 2015 line, and the winning designer will receive his or her neXus golf bag.
Disclalimer: Brian Tracy (option C) just so happens to be a Golfshake member!
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