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Golfshake Test: Rife Hybrid Tour Mallet Putter

By: Adam Smith | Thu 09 Sep 2010

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Rife Hybrid Tour Mallet PutterRife putters are one of the fastest growing brands on tour. Many tour players use a Rife putter for the feel and looks.

Armed with the latest RollGroove technology and the TwoBar Alignment system myself and a few other Golfshake members tested the Rife Hybrid Tour Mallet putter.

Darren Hallam (High Handicapper) : "I really loved the putter. For someone who is relativly new to the game and sometimes struggles on the greens it made such a difference. The ball came of the clubhead very nicely and went where I was aiming it for a change.

"When I first had the chance to use it, I was taken back by the look as it was very different from my usual putter but once I was used to it I didnt want to put it down."

Gary James (Mid Handicapper) "Personally as a mid handicapper I found the putter had an excellent feel. It was slightly heavier than what I am used to but the weight distribution allowed me to make a smooth putting stroke. Whilst it also looked and felt great. Unfortunately the greens I tested the putter on were a little treacherous and I had a bad day on them, I'd like to blame the equipment but I'd suggest it was only me to blame!"

Rife Hybrid Mallet Putter in test reviewTim Hawkins (Mid Handicapper).  Although Tim didn't get much time to test he commented "It had a really nice feel off the face and felt really well balanced on short putts, I would need to try a few different weight combinations for the longer putts."

Adam Smith (Low Handicapper): "It had a lovely feel to it as you addressed the ball and the way it was level with the ground. The one I tired was 35" so it was a little big, I like my putters to be smaller, so if this one was like that it would have been even better.
The strike and roll you got was very true and the weight distribution was also very good. Not too overly excited by the looks, I understand the two bars but it's not the nicest of putters to be standing over.
Nice grip with good feel. All in all if I was struggling with my putting I would certainly try it out on a more long term basis."
For more information visit: http://www.rifeputters.co.uk/putter_info.asp?id=445


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