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Your Weekend Challenge - Golfers Get Creative With Home Golf Solutions

By: Golfshake Editor | Fri 03 Apr 2020

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Spring is here and the sun is shining, but our golf courses are cruelly left empty. Lockdown has proven to be an especially frustrating situation for keen golfers, but it's also been an opportunity for people to display their creativity and ingenuity, finding innovative ways to get their fix and keep their games ticking over. 

Unsurprisingly, there has been an upsurge in sales of nets and putting mats, with many household items being deployed too, albeit we wouldn't encourage anyone to replicate a nine-year-old Rory McIlroy and practice chipping balls into the washing machine.

But what we are doing is challenging the Golfshake Community to get creative and unveil their own Home Golf Solutions!

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Whether you have a large garden, small living room, or modest garage, the only real limitation you have is imagination. 

Providing a touch of inspiration, Golfshake Ambassadors have been working hard on their setups, sharing them with us.

Here is Matt Holbrook!

And what about Andy Picken!

Check out Kevin Paver!

Many will be envious of the putting setup that Rob Cross has at his house. 

It's hard to beat that. But this is a more than credible effort from Darren Ramowski.

That is just a small flavour of what the Ambassadors have been doing recently. Here is a more thorough compilation!







So, hopefully that will ignite a spark in your mind. Golf will return eventually, it will be a magical day for everyone. But for now, showcase your ingenuity and let us know how you are remaining engaged with the game at home!

Just be careful not to annoy the neighbours or cause too much damage.

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