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Stat Focus: The Twenty Ten Course at Celtic Manor

By: | Thu 30 May 2019

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Thousands of golfers use the Golfshake Score Tracker to record their scores and track their stats, taking full advantage of the statistical analysis to provide an insight behind their games. This depth of information has offered us a vast library of data, covering golf courses across the UK, Europe and beyond, capturing just how well the Golfshake Community have played certain layouts, including specific holes and the number of putts taken on each green.

Continuing our Stat Focus Series, we take a look at the Twenty Ten Course at Celtic Manor. Known for hosting the Ryder Cup in 2010, when Colin Montgomerie's Europe regained the trophy in dramatic fashion, the resort has been widely acclaimed for its hospitality and service. When surveyed, Golfshake members rated Celtic Manor among the Top 19th Holes in the UK, in addition to ranking highly in the Best Golf Accommodation in the UK. Unsurprisingly, Celtic Manor is Highly Recommended on Golfshake.

Playing the Twenty Ten Course is an opportunity to experience a Ryder Cup venue, and sample the welcome offered at one of the finest destinations for golf in the country. Something enhanced by the nearby Roman Road and Montgomerie courses.

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But if you have played here, luckily, we can compare your performance with the Golfshake Community. We have analysed rounds tracked by our mid-handicap golfers - between 12 and 19 - to provide a hole-by-hole guide to the course from the yellow tees (6,570 yards), ranking them in terms of difficulty in relation to par, in addition to the average putts on each green.

12th - 408 Yards, Par 4

Average Score to Par: +1.784

Average Putts: 1.920

16th - 445 Yards, Par 4

Average Score to Par: +1.656

Average Putts: 1.960

14th - 365 Yards, Par 4

Average Score to Par: +1.560

Average Putts: 1.880

6th - 394 Yards, Par 4

Average Score to Par: +1.496

Average Putts: 1.980

1st - 411 Yards, Par 4

Average Score to Par: +1.400

Average Putts: 1.900

5th - 399 Yards, Par 4

Average Score to Par: +1.392

Average Putts: 1.960

18th - 545 Yards, Par 5

Average Score to Par: +1.336

Average Putts: 2.060

9th - 570 Yards, Par 5

Average Score to Par: +1.328

Average Putts: 1.920

4th - 414 Yards, Par 4

Average Score to Par: +1.216

Average Putts: 1.880

3rd - 165 Yards, Par 3

Average Score to Par: +1.216

Average Putts: 1.840

15th - 359 Yards, Par 4

Average Score to Par: +1.176

Average Putts: 1.980

2nd - 543 Yards, Par 5

Average Score to Par: +1.136

Average Putts: 1.840

17th - 163 Yards, Par 3

Average Score to Par: +1.128

Average Putts: 1.840

8th - 378 Yards, Par 4

Average Score to Par: +1.032

Average Putts: 2.060

13th - 155 Yards, Par 3

Average Score to Par: +0.872

Average Putts: 1.940

11th - 537 Yards, Par 5

Average Score to Par: +0.864

Average Putts: 2.000

7th - 175 Yards, Par 3

Average Score to Par: +0.840

Average Putts: 2.020

10th - 144 Yards, Par 3

Average Score to Par: +0.728

Average Putts: 1.900

The Twenty Ten Experience

10 Reasons to Play Golf at Celtic Manor

Tags: Twenty Ten stat focus series Score Tracker putting Holes greens Courses celtic manor

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