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5 Putting Training Aids to Improve Your Game

By: Joshua Carr | Fri 22 Apr 2016 | Comments ()

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Golfers like to work on their games in several different ways. Some choose to pay for weekly lessons, some try and sort their problems on the course and others like to make use of various gadgets. If you fit into the latter category, then here are some of the best putter training aids to try this year.

The Pill

The Pill

The Pill is a great way to get you rolling your putts better in such a simple way. The Pill is basically your normal golf ball with “the sides” cut off, almost as if it has been squashed. This means you have to roll the ball properly otherwise it will fall on its side or roll on a slight curve away from your target.

There are several drills you can do. You can roll just one Pill towards a hole or target or your can putt with two to make sure the face is completely square. If the Pill turns to the left you have closed the face at impact, if it curves to the right you have opened the face on impact.

On top of this, if you place the ball on one of its flatter sides you can work on your pace control or you can use it to work on the angle of attack on your wedges. If you do not strike the Pill correctly it won’t fly end over end and should bounce several ways when it lands. For such a simple aid, it can be very helpful and it can be used out on the practice ground or from the comfort of your own home.

The Pill can be purchased online from U4Golf.co.uk for £12.95 - more information here.

Train Your Aim

Train your aim

Train Your Aim is another simple training aid that can help you make them all-important putts from 6ft and in. All you have to do is attach the crosshair to your putter shaft and make sure it is square to the putter face. This in turn aligns the putter face to the target line.

This nifty little aid that is lightweight and can fit in the pockets on your bag offers great visual feedback as well as helping golfers get their eyes over the ball. One of the other great benefits of the Train Your Aim is that it will help improve the lie of the putter for more consistent putts.

Train your aim can be purchased online from U4golf.co.uk for £9.99 - more information here.



The TIBA is a putting gate that will help you keep the face square at impact and help you put and overall better stroke on the ball. The TIBA is a very straightforward putting aid but that doesn’t mean it should be overlooked as it can seriously improve your stroke.

The TIBA is extremely easy to set up too. First of all, set up the first side of the TIBA parallel to the hole. From there you can use your putter plus a tee for ideal spacing and secure the second gate. Now, you can start hitting better putts.

TIBA can be purchased online from U4golf.co.uk for £19.99 - more information here.

Golf Target Mirror

Golf Target Mirror


The Golf Target Mirror is arguably the most portable of the training aids on this guide. For such a simple and small product it has many advantages, more so than just its portability. First of all the Golf Target Mirror, as you probably guessed from the name, is a unique golf mirror that can also act as a target hole as it is actual hole size.

The clear alignment lines on this mirror allow you to square the putter face and check your head position. There is also a slot located centrally to place the ball to make sure you have a completely square set up. Considering how simple the aid looks, it will most certainly have you addressing putts better in no time.

The Golf Target Mirror can be purchases from Perfectmygolf.co.uk from £12.99 - more information here.



The 5footer is simple way of getting the ball rolling on the line you want and will have you holing putts in no time. All you have to do is roll out the highly visible training aid on your required line, hold it down with tee pegs at either end and you’re ready to start boosting your confidence on those testy 5 foot putts.

Not only can you use the 5footer on the putting green but you can also perfect your stroke at home or in the office. The tube the product comes in is roughly the same size as a hole so if you’re putting indoors you can set the tube at one end to get instant feedback as to whether you would have holed the putt or not.

Not only will this product help you with 5 foot putts but it can also be used to help you get the ball rolling along your required line for longer too. The handy tube keeps the product protected and is easy to carry to around with you.

The 5Footer can be purchased online from U4golf.co.uk for £19.99 - more information here.


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