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Perfect the Perfect Grip with Golf-Grip

By: Darren Ramowski | Tue 26 Mar 2013 | Comments ()

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The golf-grip™ is a product launched last year with one goal to provide the perfect grip and is a training aid which simply attaches to your golf grip during practice and helps position your hands for the perfect grip.

Developed over the last 5 years the golf-grip as been ergonimically designed through extensive research and development to provide a simple golf training grip with key focuses on:

  • Preventing
    • regripping
    • slicing
    • hooking
  • Promoting
    • muscle memory
    • accuracy and alignment
    • distance and control

When I tested the product I found it really easy to attach to the club and thankfully my grip pretty much already matched up to the golf-grip.

One of the other key things with this is how discreet the product is when in use.  No need to worry when you stand at the range with everyone looking at your whilst you try out the latest training gadget or gizmo this. More importantly though it's a well made simply designed product with big benefits.

Whilst testing out the main thing I noticed from use of this product was how stable it kept my hands on the grip and obviously hightlighted I have a tendancy to let my grip slip during the backswing.

For those with a strong or weak grip already then this product may take some getting use to because it fundametally looks to change your grip but the end results should pay off!

For anyone new to the game or looking to improve their grip then this is the perfect training aid at an affordable price.

Golf-Grip Golf-Grip grip position

Golf isn't always a game of perfect and whilst the golf-grip is designed to help with the perfect grip this may not be the grip that works for all golfers.

For more information visit www.golf-grip.com


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