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Putting From Distance - Links Tips Series

By: Golfshake Editor | Fri 16 Jul 2021 | Comments ()

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We might not all be blessed with the short game of some of the world's leading players and in certain situations it's not just about chipping and flopping the ball around the greens but more important to just get the ball moving.

In this video Golfshake resident Pro and Howley Hall Head Professional Ryan Rastall offers some links golf tips when faced with a your ball off the green and the option for a long putt.  More often than not you may find it more useful to just get the  ball running.  

Percentage wise you will often do better keeping the ball on the ground putting rather than trying a variety of chip shots with the ball in the air and then running out.  The only factor you need to be mindful of is how hard you need to hit it and how the ball will run in the grass off the green before it arrives on the pure green putting surface.

This video was filmed as a series of links tip on location at the fabulous Dundonald Links in Ayrshire, Scotland.  Find out more:

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