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Team Bunker aim to give Team Europe the Winning Edge

By: Golf Shake | Wed 24 Sep 2014

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With the Ryder Cup almost upon us the teams are gearing up to find that smallest of advantge to take on to the first tee and Modern British Golf designers Bunker Mentality have found an edge from which the team could benefit......

In a survey of 500 avid golfers, Bunker Mentality found that the colour of a golfer’s outfit has a huge effect on how they feel about their game.

With this in mind, the BM design team based in Nottingham has put together the perfect European Ryder Cup script to deliver that extra edge out on the course. To give you a clue, there’s no khaki or pistachio green in sight


Bunker Mentality
Bunker Mentality
Bunker Mentality

For a quick start on Day 1 BM has chosen Bunker (European) Blue trousers – the colour that made most (42%) of our sample feel most confident on the course. Teamed with it is a Hot Pink hombre technical polo (8.2% most confident colour) and a stylish crew neck sweater with pink flashes to match.

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Day 2 consolidates the early advantage with Hot Pink Trousers and the Bunker Mentality Golfadelic Polo. With white the dominant colour  (10.2% most confident) and flashes of Red (19%), Blue (42%), and Pink (8.2%) Team Europe will be brimming with confidence even before they slip on the Bunker Blue Wind jacket that looks as good as it makes 42% of the survey sample feel.

Day 3, final day, pressure on and Bunker Mentality brings out the big guns. Bunker Blue Trousers combined with the Racing Stripe Playa Polo in bright Navy, topped off with a ‘Hit it Hard’ cap and Hombre Wind Jacket in Bright Navy. This final day blitz of blue is the perfect combination to get Team Europe feeling great in their gear, confident on the course and looking the envy of the stylistically challenged U.S. team.

With this 3 day script Bunker Mentality would give the edge to any golfer. Colours that breed confidence and styles that leave the golfer looking and feeling great. Who knows, in two years time Team Europe might be getting all Bunk’d up on their way to victory in the U.S.

For anyone wanting a chance to win the Bunker Mentality scripted outfits and many other prizes visit their Facebook page over Ryder Cup week www.facebook.com/BunkerMentalityGolf





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