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FOCAL Golf Smartphone Holder

By: Golf Shake | Mon 13 Jan 2014

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There are several benefits to recording and reviewing your golf swing and any golfer who has had lessons from a PGA Professional will probably have had their swing recorded at some point. The emergence of smartphones and golf swing Apps now provides golfers with the ability to record their own swing. The only challenge is how and where to position their smartphone to enable easy recording.

FOCAL Golf Smartphone Holder

The FOCAL Golf Smartphone Holder provides golfers with a quick and simple solution to this problem. By positioning their golf bag behind them, then attaching the FG Smartphone Holder, inserting their phone and pressing record on their chosen swing App every golfer can enjoy all the benefits of being able to instantly record and review their swing.

Within a RRSP of £24.99 the FOCAL Golf Smartphone Holder is released on the 10th of February at www.the15thclub.com.  Pre-orders can also now be placed on The 15th Club’s website.


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