Golf greenkeepers Bob Wallis and Steve Hollingsworth usually spend their days making the tranquil 18-hole course at
Milford Golf Club as picturesque as possible.
But on Wednesday 19th June they will be more concerned about their hair and make-up, as they attempt a sponsored charity golf marathon – in women’s clothing.
Not content with playing 72 holes in one day – approximately 16 miles, or four full rounds of golf – the fetching pair will be wearing wigs, pink skirts and pink socks come rain or shine, for the duration.
“I’ll be honest, my life is more about top-dressing than cross-dressing” said the bearded 60-year old Wallis, “but sometimes you’ve got to step out of your comfort zone. Steve wanted to wear his stilettos, but I said no. They’d damage the greens.”
The intrepid greenkeepers will arrive on the first tee at 04:30 on the morning of the 19th, and hope to be back in the clubhouse for a well-earned Babycham before sunset.
But there is a serious side to the gaiety. When Bob and Steve set up their JustGiving donations page early last month

, Bob’s friend Karen Baker was battling cancer. On May 27th, she passed away. “This fund-raising challenge is for Cancer Research UK, in Karen’s memory. God bless and rest in peace, she was a good friend,” said Bob.
Greenkeeper Bob and 22-year old 1st Assistant Greenkeeper Steve have already surpassed their original sponsorship target of £500, and are well on their way to raising over £1,000. “Milford Golf Club is a genuinely friendly place” said General Manager Rebecca Prout, “and our members and their guests have already got right behind the boys in their challenge. But we all hope they will raise much, much more.”
Milford’s Ladies section is over twice the size of the national average, but 2013 Lady Captain Linda Miles is unconvinced by Wallis and Hollingsworth’s attempt to sneak into the Ladies section via the back door. “A real girl would never wear those socks with that skirt” she said, “and Bob & Steve normally wear too much make up.”