Bushnell Tour V2 Review
Ten years ago rangefinders were almost unheard of, and we had to rely on course markings, yardage books and a dose of guesswork to ascertain distances on a golf course. Nowadays, the complete opposite is true, with every touring professional and an increasing number of amateurs of all standards relying on a golf GPS device or laser rangefinder devices to deliver accurate yardages.
According to John Noble, Head of Boys’ Coaching at Surrey Golf County Union and Senior AA PGA Teaching Professional at Surrey’s Royal Automobile Club, rangefinders will continue to flourish.
“Rangefinders are becoming so popular because golfers are serious about improving their performances. More information in the assessment of each shot will produce a better outcome. Knowing the exact distance gives the players confidence,” he said.
Until recently, I hadn't used, nor, indeed, entertained the thought of using one of these implements. A few weeks ago, however, I played in a golf day where at least half of the competitors used such devices. After trying a couple and being suitably impressed, I decided it was time for an extended test.
Bushnell is the stand out name in the rangefinder department, serving the vast majority of European and PGA Tour professionals with a wide selection of products, ranging from the Neo+ GPS watch to the latest model, the Tour Z6. It was the Tour V2 that I trialled, though, and I have to say the device was superb.
It isn’t difficult to see why laser rangefinders have become so popular, and why 91% of touring professionals use Bushnell.
Lasers are sent out and bounce back from certain targets, giving an exact yardages to any point on the course, including lips of bunkers, trees and, perhaps more importantly, the pin.
The Bushnell V2 uses ‘PinSeeker technology’ to hone in on any flag, shut out background hazards and produce a yardage accurate to within a yard. What’s more, the V2 is able to give a yardage to any object within an impressive 1000 yards, catering for every possible need on a golf course.
One aspect I particularly enjoyed about the V2 was how easy it was to use, especially for someone who hadn’t used a rangefinder before. You simply select the mode you require, put the device to your eye and centre the circle on the flag or the target you require. When you are set, push and hold the conveniently located button and release it to see your yardage appear clearly in front of you. The whole process takes no more than ten seconds, completely negating the arduous and time consuming process of trying to work out an exact yardage with a course planner.
Another unexpected benefit was that I felt more comfortable and settled over my shots. So often in the past I had approached my ball, guessed at a yardage and hit, despite a lingering voice in my head telling me I didn’t really know how far I had left. That voice is completely eradicated with the V2, leaving you to concentrate fully on executing the shot at hand.
“My players (Surrey juniors) want to know exactly how far they need to hit the ball and Bushnell yardages are accurate and can be trusted. Visual and mental rehearsal is essential for good golf. You can't guess at yardages,” said Noble.
“My players will not go on course without them. Rangefinders are the 15th club.”
The benefits are not just felt by professionals. Rangefinders can help any level of golfer – from the top-tier tour pro to the high-handicap amateur – feel more confident and focused over their shots.
Ergonomics and aesthetics
The V2 is a small, compact device and it fits perfectly in the hand. The casing is also very smart, and comes with a clip to secure the unit onto your bag. What’s more, the V2 comes complete with a custom high tack grip, which only adds to the overall look of the product. Another plus point was the fact it was so lightweight, meaning, along with its compact nature, it added almost no mass and took up almost no additional space on the golf bag.
I have to agree with Noble’s affirmation when it comes to the Bushnell V2: “Bushnell is the No 1 laser rangefinder in golf. It's the brand of choice by the overwhelming majority of tour pros which speaks for itself. Their advancement in technology is very impressive & the accuracy is second to none. The combination of technology, quality and look of the product is fantastic.”
The Tour V2 ticks every box. It is simple and easy to use, the display is excellent, the yardages are trustworthy and the aesthetics and ergonomics of the product are first class. It really is hard to fault.
The future?
As it stands, rangefinders are currently prohibited during some amateur and professional events. Such pieces of equipment may be at odds with the perceived image of golf, but as we adapt and move forward, new technologies need to be added. Just look at the rise of titanium drivers and recent modifications to golf balls. I think it’ll only be a matter of time before these implements are allowed on the golf course, and can’t see any reason why they shouldn’t be.
As Noble said: “I really believe that it will be common place that rangefinders will be used on tour and in major amateur events in the near future, simply because it will speed up play. It does not take the skill away as the player still has to play the shot, but as long as devices are available to everyone there is no disadvantage to any player.”
For more information on Bushness of the Tour V2 visit www.bushnellgolf.co.uk
Tags: rangefinder golf laser bushnell