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Nikon 350G Laser Range Finder Review

By: Darren Ramowski | Fri 18 Nov 2011

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Nikon 350G Laser Range FinderWhen I was offered the chance to test out the Nikon 350G rangefinder I jumped at the opportunity to try out and compare to the some of the GPS devices like the Sky Caddie SGX.   Having really only seen low handicap players using the laser range finders I was intrigued how I would find it (handicap 19.8) and if it would be any use.

Looks Good, Easy to Use, Works Well

The Nikon 350G is not particularly cheap if you compare to some of the other lower priced non branded versions but what you can be assured of is superb quality and a fantasic looking device.

Ergonomically designed it's super slick and easy to use with the buttons and controls in the right place to make usage extremely quick. The viewfinder is very clear with a simple twist focus adjustment.

The First Target Priority technology provides easier target measurement ie the pin if the background is cluttered with other objects and the continuous scanning mode works really well when you are not sure of the object you are using for the distance measurement.

Laser Ranger Finders on the Course

Laser range finders work on the prinicple of bouncing a laser to measure distance, what do you do if you can't see the flag, so many will argue in favour of GPS units but I would counter argue this in that GPS devices only provide a distance 'as the crow flies' and don't take in account gradients etc and the idea of measuring to a single point is what I really liked about the Nikon 3G.

Using the continuous scanning mode I was able to walk up to my ball then quickly focus the range finder on any object, obstatcle, bunker, knoll and the pin and know the exact distance.  This was the killer use for me.

GPS devices are great and serve many purposes but what stood out for me was the sheer speed of using the Nikon 350G laser range finder especially when you are not always going for the green and may only need the distance to certain hazards or objects.

One of the hidden bonuses of a laser range finder is actually taking to the range and using in practice so you practice constructively.  How often do you question the distance markers at your local range or wonder how far the some of the flags are?

Having now tested out I can certainly advocate the use of laser range finders and as testament of how good they are 2 of my playing partners who tried out during the round went out and purchased themselves a new laser range finder!

For further information visit: http://www.nikongolfrangefinders.com/nikon-laser-350g-golf-range-finder-html.html

What Nikon say:

The 350G is Nikon's best selling golf specific laser rangefinder and winner of the Gold Award in the Today's Golfer magazine rangefinder test (Dec 2011 issue). It's legal for use in competitions and features Nikon's First Target Priority technology, making it incredibly easy to measure the distance to your target even if there is a cluttered background.

Pressing the POWER button provides 8-second continuous scanning, enabling easy measurement to the target even if you've got shaky hands!

  • Comes with a FREE Nikon protective skin
  • Legal for use in competitions
  • First Target Priority Mode enables easy measurement to the target even if there is a cluttered background
  • Pressing the POWER button once provides 8-second continuous scanning, enabling easy measurement to the target
  • Measurement range: 10-500m (11-550 yards)
  • Distance measurement displays in 0.5 yard increments up to 100 yards, then every one yard above 100 yards
  • Accuracy +/- 1 yard
  • High-quality 6x magnification for clear view of the target (20% more than well known competing product)
  • Lens features multilayer coating for bright, clear images
  • Adjustable focus control for making the view crystal clear for all users
  • High-eyepoint design affords eyeglass wearers easy viewing
  • Easy one-push measurement after the power is turned on
  • Compact, lightweight design enables easy, single-hand operation. Unit weight 180g
  • Capable of distancing different targets in succession with a single press of the button
  • Waterproof (up to 1 meter for 10 minutes), but not for underwater usage; the battery chamber is water resistant
  • Wide temperature tolerance: -10ºC to +50ºC
  • Complete with lithium-ion battery and premium carry case which attaches to your golf bag

Plus from 15th November 2011 anyone that buys a multi award winning Nikon Laser 350G Rangefinder will be eligible to
claim a FREE dozen Srixon golf balls including the Z Star and Z Star XV balls (RRP £45)

All they need to do to claim their balls is simply fill in a form that is in the box, send it to YUMAX LTD with their proof of
purchase and we will dispatch the balls direct to them.



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