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What Can Golfers Do To Speed Up Play

By: | Thu 24 Oct 2024

GOLFSHAKE readers we salute you! We asked for your views on slow play and boy did you respond - over 2,000 of you. But more than that, you also came up with solutions which, if implemented by golf clubs across the land, would most definitely have the required effect.

It is an issue that troubles most of us. Nobody enjoys a five-hour round of golf. It is all too easy to sit in the clubhouse and have a good old moan, but coming up with answers is a different matter altogether.  We asked you to suggest how we could speed up the pace of play and over 1,400 of you took the time to reply.

We have split your responses into two articles. The first focused on what golf clubs can do to speed up play and this one which looks at what you believe we all as golfers can do.

Golfers Pace Of Play

I is clear that many of you believe etiquette - or a lack of it - is part of the problem. 60% of the comments related to etiquette, awareness, knowledge, and ready golf. 

Here’s what you had to say…

"All too many people need more education on how to play quickly without unduly hurrying. No one's expecting you to break into a jog, but a little thought can lead to big improvements. For example, if a fourball saved ten seconds on every shot, and they each went round in 90 shots, that would reduce the time by a whole hour!”

It has to be said that this is a sobering thought!

"Basic course etiquette is key to finding a solution to slow play as some golfers have no idea regarding a trolley when they leave it on the wrong side of the green."

Time and again we all see golfers leaving their trolleys in front of the green. Worse than that, they then stand on the green and mark their cards. Aaaarrrggghhh!

"Be ready to play. I watched a player recently who waited untill his partner had played from the other side of the fairway before getting out of his buggy, getting out his rangefinder, then starting his routine!”

"I think that players should be ready to play their ball as they walk up to it, have some idea about the distance and club to use. Some could cut back on the number of practice swings."

"It's all about being ready to play when it is your turn. Not waiting for your turn and then deciding what club to use, reading your line, etc."

"People being ready to play when it's their turn. Not starting your full routine once the previous player has finished their shot and started walking.""Play 'ready golf'. Prepare for your shot while others are playing and not get prepared once it's your turn. Just play quicker!"

"Ready golf. No waiting on tee for 'honour' order of play. Save a minute a hole equals about 20 minutes."

For the life of me, I do not understand why there seems to be such reluctance to play ready golf. If you are good to go, then hit your ball.

"Novice players don't seem to have common sense about where to place golf carts, push carts, or bags. For example, leaving bags at the front of the green instead of placing bags en route towards the next tee box.”

To be fair to new players, this is surely a matter of them being better educated and it is up to the rest of us to point them in the right direction.

"Playing at a reasonable speed is down to habits and the order in which players do all the little things they need to do before each shot."

"Encourage golfers to be more mindful of players behind and allow them to play through.”

"I believe the problem is a reluctance to let faster groups play through when the group in front starts losing holes.  Another issue is some golfers simply take far too long taking their shot regardless of time, plus three minutes looking for a lost ball is rarely observed."

Like most of you, I am frustrated by what appears to be a lack of awareness among some golfers of what is going on behind them. If I am playing in a group that is holding people up I will always tell them that we are going to wave the group behind through. This should not be a matter for debate.

"Ensure all golfers are aware of the etiquette of golf, which would make them aware of keeping a good pace of play."

"Ensuring new players are aware of general etiquette or mentored by playing partners and spend a little longer improving their game before venturing on the course. I am aware that pre-shot routines and a focus on decision making can lead to longer rounds but if done in the appropriate way should not lead to significant delay."

Etiquette is something that can be taught when new golfers join a club - just give them a simple crib sheet.

"Get people to stop watching golf on TV. They copy the pros who take an eternity to play a shot. Rarely are they penalised for slow play so the average joe thinks they can do the same."

There is actually no evidence that the antics of professional golfers has any impact or influence on club players. When was the last time you saw a high handicapper using aim point on the greens?

"Golfers need to use common sense. For example, all in the group go to their own ball instead of all waiting at the first ball and then all moving to the next ball and the next, obviously if safe to do so. Mark cards on the next tee. Take two clubs to your ball if necessary. Take a provisional ball if there is any doubt. Speed up the time taken to hit a shot, this can improve your play if you are not thinking too many swing thoughts over the ball. Be ready to play your shot immediately after the previous shot."

So we all seem to know what the problems are. More importantly, we all know how to resolve them. But are we prepared to speak out, to put our thoughts and ideas into action?

The full comment analysis breaks down as follows:

  • 32% related to etiquette
  • 26% mentioned course marshalling
  • 19% mentioned educating golfers
  • 15% mentioned playing ready golf
  • 15% mentioned adhering to and knowing and rules
  • 9% suggestiond ideas around tee times and intervals
  • 9% mentioned group sizes and introducing limitations
  • 8% mentioned penalising slow rounds
  • 7% mentioned course conditions and not making to penal
  • 4% mentioned use of tech with a lot suggesting we ban buggies
  • 4% mentioned stopping golfers thinking they are pros and replicating pre shot routines
  • 3% mentioned improved signage on golf courses to speed up going from green to tee

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Tags: Survey slow play Pace of Play industry insider golf data daily picks

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