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Podcast: Solheim Cup Reaction, Ryder Cup Predictions, Why Get Fitted

By: Golfshake Editor | Mon 25 Sep 2023

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Golfshake · #81 Solheim Cup Reaction, Ryder Cup Predictions, Why Get Fitted [Season 2 E36]

In this week's Podcast, Ryan and Matt sit down to discuss all the action from the Solheim Cup and ask whether it should end in a draw? They also look ahead to the forthcoming Ryder Cup, before finally having a chat about the importance of custom fitting and insights into Ryan's recent Callaway APEX Pro fitting at The Belfry.

To listen via Spotify visit: https://open.spotify.com/show/1jBBQ3Gtzo9WnHIhyKAhAF

To subscribe via iTunes visit: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/golfshake/id1227042514?mt=2

To listen via Amazon Music visit: https://music.amazon.ca/podcasts/18471c15-fbd0-4fd6-96cb-1beb8358c76a/golfshake

The Ryder Cup is unlike any other tournament in golf and the atmosphere is something that every golf fan should experience. The experts at Golfbreaks.com can help with all aspects of your Ryder Cup experience, from accommodation and ticket packages to hospitality and travel and playing some of the fantastic nearby courses.

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