Introducing Klink Golf
Some companies are established off the back of a lifelong dream that has finally been realised, whilst other firms are created simply because they believe a certain service is lacking. For the case of Tim and Oli, co-owners of Klink Golf, the realm of golfing headcovers needed to be reimagined.
The duo have been friends for more than two decades, having grown up in the same location, attended the same school and shared the same group of friends. As ardent golfers, their friendship has blossomed healthily throughout the years through the majestic sport of golf.
“We are both keen golfers and live, breathe and sleep golf,” Oli said before continuing, “as with many golfers, we love sitting down with friends regaling stories from our annual golf trips - or the golf society that we ran for nearly 20 years!”
The idea for Klink Golf didn’t reveal itself until recently, when Tim felt underwhelmed at a recent customisable headcover purchase.
Klink Golf - The Inception
In late 2021, Tim and Oli enjoyed a catch-up on the phone when the conversation turned to their search for new headcovers and towels, and their failure to find ones that met their liking.
“Tim, using his graphic design background, was in the process of designing his own hybrid covers,” to be fabricated by one of the UK providers, “whereas I continued my search to find covers that were to my taste,” noted Oli.
After receiving his custom designed covers, Tim was left feeling underwhelmed. “I was very happy with the print of my design but the fabrics, and overall size of the covers, left me with a lot of questions,” he revealed.
After conducting hefty research, the creators of Klink Golf quickly understood how popular this market was in America, but it has failed to make real waves across the Atlantic in Britain.
“In the UK there are a few providers offering quality UK made products, whereas the internet is flooded with cheap mass made imported products, with very little variety in design,” said Oli.
After identifying an underserved section of the market, the next question would be how to implement style into the designs to deliver a high-quality product.
“Golf clothing and accessories have historically been very reserved, dominated by muted blues and blacks.”
Of course, we have seen an influx of bolder designs in more recent times; products that reflect the colourful way of the contemporary world.
Both Oli and Tim did not want to launch with one sole offering, so they worked hard on a multitude of designs to kick off their business with an almighty bang.
“It has taken a lot of hard work to get here but we have managed to launch with a range of nine designs available in four different headcover sizes, all made with high quality materials and handmade, here in the UK.”
Klink Golf - The Present & Future
Klink Golf have been in existence for a mere month, yet they have been overwhelmed with the reaction they have received.
“We have been live for just over one month and are blown away by the support and feedback that we have received for the products.”
Despite still being in their infancy, Klink Golf have one keen eye on the future as further designs and products will be released in due course.
“We have several product ideas going forward as well as new designs of our current products.
“Currently our main focus is releasing the mallet putter cover, and the testing of this has been taking place for the last six months and we are quite confident that the prototypes are now ready!”
Testing The Products
Klink Golf were kind enough to send us two products to trial out on the course, the negative camo hybrid headcover and the black camo golf towel.
First and foremost, I really enjoyed having some variation in my bag; I’m currently gaming TaylorMade’s Stealth hybrids, and it was a welcomed change seeing a completely different design in amongst the other clubs.
They are smaller - and sleeker - than the typical headcover produced by the leading brands but there was one overwhelming benefit: they were completely different.
If you were to walk your local course on a Saturday, you’ll see plenty of headcovers that display the name of the manufacturer that created them.
Sure, they’ve been designed in an attractive manner, but they are identical to one another with no character or customisation featuring.
Have you ever had a battle with a headcover mid-round during the peak of winter? Klink Golf’s design will have a solution for that.
The negative camo hybrid headcover was very easy to remove and just as simple to place back onto the club once struck.
Let’s divert our attention towards the black camo golf towel, which is just as durable as it is stylish.
I typically carry multiple towels during winter, but there was no need to use any other - and this towel was deployed for two especially wet rounds!
It was crafted using Microfibre waffle weave fabric, and I found them to dry speedily whilst remaining resilient in the sideway rain.
The towel clipped seamlessly onto my golf bag and stood the test of 36 winter holes with absolute ease.
Klink Golf look set to become a known player in the golf industry as golfers slowly transition from traditional designs to vibrant expressions.
Through an array of styles - and products - the brand look to freshen up the amateur golfing scene with explosive colour.
Their products were delivered with a thank you message, asking consumers to post photos of their new toys online, which is always a sign of a caring company.
Through their expertise, and general love for the sport, Klink Golf offer the everyday golfer a chance to personalise their golfing set up - which design will be making its way to your bag?
For more information, please visit https://klinkgolf.co.uk/ or follow the brand on Facebook and Instagram.