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golfclubs4cash is Opening New Store in Warrington

By: Golfshake Editor | Tue 28 Jun 2022

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Europe’s biggest second-hand golf equipment retailer, golfclubs4cash, is opening a new store in Warrington. Doors will open on Friday 8th July with some fantastic launch offers and more than 10,000 clubs to draw in keen customers.

The shop will be a treasure trove for golfers of all abilities, with thousands of golf clubs and other golf equipment available to purchase. Expect to find all the major brands, unused ‘new’ products, collector’s items and even uncover that much-loved club you wish you still owned!  

golfclubs4cash will also be offering its award-winning trade-in service on site. After the unwanted products are valued, they undergo a thorough assessment and are refurbished before they hit the shelves. The company also offers an incredible 14-day trial period, so if the clubs of your dreams still aren’t solving your golfing nightmares, then you can always take them back. 


So, if you live in the area then check out your garage or shed and take your unwanted golf equipment down to Kerfoot Street to see if you can swap them for something a bit more your style.

For more information, please visit https://www.golfclubs4cash.co.uk/.

Tags: GOLFERS Golf

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