Discover The Ultimate Custom Fitting Experience at Scottsdale Golf
Warrington's Scottsdale Golf Performance Centre has unquestionably transformed the custom fitting experience, delivering a hugely impressive same-day building process, where golfers will be fitted for a new set of clubs that they will have in their hands within a few hours.
Discovering for himself, Golfshake Equipment Expert, Ryan Rastall visited during a Callaway Fitting Day, where he met Scottsdale's Director of Golf, Bradley Stubbs, to learn more about the facilities and service offered by the venue, in addition to meeting some of the customers themselves who got their hands on Callaway's new Rogue ST Driver.
This is a unique bespoke service that provides a tour like fitting experience with clubs built on the same day. You'll be impressed after watching the video below!
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Tags: Scottsdale Golf gear equipment custom fitting callaway