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Perfect Practice Putting Mat Review

REVIEW: Perfect Practice Putting Mat

By: | Mon 08 Mar 2021

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Review by Golfshake Ambassador Richard Moore

Endorsed by Masters champion Dustin Johnson, PERFECT PRACTICE is a LA based company that offers a Putting Mat that claims to quickly improve your results on the greens. 

The product features a nine-foot roll out mat and a wooden frame for the short incline up to its two holes (one regular size and one smaller one) - to ensure you hit a firm putt. Includes a gravity-based ball return (no electricity needed) and train track lines for alignment.

It provides 10-14 roll on stimpmeter. Markings for two, four, six and eight foot putts. Very nicely finished wooden ball track - put together by magnets to ensure they hold their position and can be assembled quickly.

Perfect Practice Mat


Very slick looking, high gloss wooden fixtures. Looks great!


A quality finish, and a slick roll for the ball.


Love it. I can stop work and go practice for five mins and return to work. Nice and easy. The ball return is so effective and returns quick enough for you to use two balls continuously. Really quick to assemble. Literally 30 seconds to unpack the box and I was operational. Due to the storage/transit the mat did need a bit of time to settle down having been rolled up all this time, but as it is a quality mat it took no time at all.


Perfect Practice Putting Mat


Quick delivery. Although dealing with a company in LA, I received it within 10 days and their support team were fab at keeping me up to date. You know sometimes you make a purchase online and your heart sinks when you don't hear anything for a day or two. Well their support team were 'Jonny on the Spot!' and kept me informed on my shipment.

Really quick assembly, and it works great. Even my wife and kids have had a go, and our two cats love to sit and watch the balls go in the hole and return!


None I can see, except I need to roll it up after use as my wife does not want it out as a permanent fixture on our landing.

£129 is quite a lot to spend to be honest, but if you want help nailing putts inside nine feet this is a brilliant aid for your confidence.

The Bottom Line

If putting is not your strong point I'd get one of these. I'm quite a decent (dead weight) putter, and I have friends scratching their head as to why I'd buy this. But the bottom line is this has given me more confidence to aim to hit the back of the hole. And, I've only had it 24 hours!

For more information, visit https://www.perfectpractice.golf/products/the-perfect-practice-putting-mat.


Tags: training aid review Putting Mat gear equipment

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