Golfshake Ambassadors Reflect on Get Golf Fit Journey
Everyone wants to play better golf and pursue various paths to reach that goal, whether it be through lessons, following online tips, or buying the latest game improvement clubs, the desire to shoot lower scores is intense. However, many of us neglect the physical side, the role our bodies play in achieving more consistency with our swing. Ultimately, it's an athletic move, requiring various muscles to work in tandem, but are you in the optimum place to facilitate that?
Determined to become Fitter, Stronger, Faster, we dispatched several Golfshake Ambassadors to meet Jon Ship, fitness expert and founder of JS Golf Fit, who established a carefully developed programme for them to undertake, having first experienced a fitness review, where they learned about their limitations and what they had to improve upon.
If you want to embark on a golf fitness journey of your own, Jon has created a Free 4-Week Series, Get Golf Fit Series, which you can begin today!
Golfers Begin Their Journey to Become Fitter, Stronger, Faster
But now, months later, we caught up with the guys to see how well they have followed the steps outlined by Jon, following the exercises and progressing through each stage of the programme, and what benefits they have seen on the golf course, despite the undoubted complications of the coronavirus pandemic.
Mel Davies said: "The programme and all the exercises given to me were easy to follow and do. I did find it a struggle through lockdown to get motivated, but in recent weeks I have regained the appetite again and am sticking to it religiously along with some new moves given to me by Jon."
For Kevin Heggie, the period of strict lockdown measures also proved to be inhibitive. "Pre-lockdown, I found it easy to fit the daily and weekly routines into my life, largely because I knew the duration and could do the daily routine in the evening whilst watching TV (and trying not to wake a newborn baby) or during the day as a short break from work. Obviously for many, myself included, once lockdown kicked in my routine changed significantly which had an impact, but as we've started to return to normality, I've been able to incorporate the routines back into my life."
Richard Moore hasn't followed the full programme, but has found particular exercises to be beneficial. "I found that four of the exercises suited me well and seemed most logical to me too. So I found myself doing those as they came naturally, and I could remember them well - plus I could feel the effects the next day. Although I did every exercise that Jon guided us on - I fell into a routine of my own.
Mel has enjoyed embracing the process and has found the exercises comfortable to adopt. "They are easy to do, easy to fit in no matter what time of day it was or how I felt. It all became easier for me mentally when courses reopened and I was able to get out and see the benefits of the moves and programme."
Likewise, Kevin has been feeling positive about his journey. "I really enjoyed it, and have been recommending resistance bands to anyone who'll listen! Given the relatively straightforward nature of the routine it was easy to pick up, and I was surprised how much it made you sweat! Jon's remote support and encouragement was also extremely valuable."
Richard found lockdown a struggle, with space limited at home, but has made the exercises part of his routine before golf. "I arrive at the driving range 30 minutes early to do my exercises as a warm-up before hitting a few balls on the range.
Using the shaker with his exercises, Richard enjoyed using it ahead of teeing off. "I’d use it in the car park of the golf club with people onlooking. I’m a bit of an attention seeker anyway. And was proud to show I was doing something different to help get an edge!"
Finding an edge was an objective for each of the guys, and they have reflected on improvements they have seen and felt.
Mel said: "I didn’t feel as stiff in my movements especially when out on the course. I would normally feel a little stiff and sore playing the last few holes but this has eased. I have better flexibility, more stamina and no fatigue or tightness later in the round, which has been proven in my scores. My distances on all clubs are up both in carry and overall. Shorter clubs into greens means lower scores!"
Kevin agreed. "I have definitely felt it contributed to an improved level of fitness and strength, which was one of the goals I had, as well as improving general flexibility. I've seen an increase in swing speed (another goal I had at the start of the programme), and I also feel the exercises have helped improve my golf swing overall."
Despite early teething problems, Richard has also felt the upside. "I struggled at first as I am not so fit – but soon I definitely felt stronger - even within a week. Though I struggle to know how much my new distances are down to this training, the fact I started new golf lessons in December and now we have the firm ground I’m getting more run, but I have definitely gone up a club in carry."
Thanks to the Get Golf Fit Series on Golfshake, any golfer can emulate the guys and begin their fitness journey by following lessons presented by Jon, something that each of our Ambassadors would recommend.
Mel added: "Anyone looking to improve their flexibility and stamina out on the course should definitely consider taking part in the journey like I have been fortunate to be part of. My programme was done specifically for me and after regular contact with Jon, some tweaks have been made and extra moves have been put in. All this has helped me massively. Also if you want extra distances (and who doesn’t) this is the way forward in my eyes over new clubs."
Kevin concurred. "I'd 100% recommend it. If you can stretch your budget to get a shaker you'll really begin to see the benefits of the exercises, but even if you only get the resistance bands, these will help with your strength and flexibility, and can easily fit into any pre-round warm up routine."
Richard said: "I was listening to the commentators on Sky Sports Golf during a recent PGA Tour event and they were talking about the new style game they play, how the pros overpower the golf course. With power even if wayward you are still only wedging onto greens which is better than longer irons 100 yards back on the fairway. Power is the modern game and you need to seek out advantages wherever you can."
If you want to find those advantages and become Fitter, Stronger Faster, then sign up for Get Golf Fit today, or learn more about Jon Ship and JS Golf Fit by visiting his website.
Tags: get golf fit Fitness daily picks