Stat Focus: The Grove
Thousands of golfers use the Golfshake Score Tracker to record their scores and track their stats, taking full advantage of the statistical analysis to provide an insight behind their games. This depth of information has offered us a vast library of data, covering golf courses across the UK, Europe and beyond, capturing just how well the Golfshake Community have played certain layouts.
Continuing our Stat Focus Series, we turn to The Grove in Hertfordshire. This prestigious and acclaimed venue boasts a championship golf course that was designed by Kyle Philips, which has been showcased widely on two notable occasions; when Tiger Woods won a World Golf Championship event in 2006, and when the European Tour stopped by for the British Masters in 2016.
Just 18 miles from the centre of London, The Grove is widely accessible, with its five-star hotel and spa being popular, in addition to the superbly presented course. Its standing is clear. When we surveyed the Golfshake Community, they ranked this venue among the Best Golf Accommodation in the UK, and it sits at #2 in the Golfshake Top 100, with our golfers reviewing The Grove as a Highly Recommended venue, with a striking 100% positive rating.
Many of you will have played here through the years, and if so, how did you get on? Luckily, we can compare the performances of the Golfshake Community. We have analysed rounds tracked by our mid-handicap golfers - between 12 and 19 - to provide a hole-by-hole guide to the course from the Grove tees (6,332 yards), ranking them in terms of difficulty in relation to par.
5th - 402 Yards, Par 4
Average Score to Par: +1.616
Average Putts: 1.941
3rd - 410 Yards, Par 4
Average Score to Par: +1.500
Average Putts: 1.897
18th - 416 Yards, Par 4
Average Score to Par: +1.336
Average Putts: 1.897
12th - 419 Yards, Par 4
Average Score to Par: +1.315
Average Putts: 1.868
10th - 341 Yards, Par 4
Average Score to Par: +1.212
Average Putts: 1.868
8th - 393 Yards, Par 4
Average Score to Par: +1.164
Average Putts: 1.9141
6th - 506 Yards, Par 4
Average Score to Par: +1.116
Average Putts: 2.044
4th - 127 Yards, Par 3
Average Score to Par: +1.110
Average Putts: 1.941
15th - 367 Yards, Par 4
Average Score to Par: +1.075
Average Putts: 2.029
9th - 515 Yards, Par 5
Average Score to Par: +1.075
Average Putts: 1.941
2nd - 385 Yards, Par 4
Average Score to Par: +1.048
Average Putts: 1.941
7th - 132 Yards, Par 3
Average Score to Par: +0.938
Average Putts: 1.926
11th - 463 Yards, Par 5
Average Score to Par: +0.911
Average Putts: 1.853
13th - 184 Yards, Par 3
Average Score to Par: +0.760
Average Putts: 1.809
17th - 470 Yards, Par 5
Average Score to Par: +0.733
Average Putts: 2.074
14th - 342 Yards, Par 4
Average Score to Par: +0.712
Average Putts: 1.941
1st - 312 Yards, Par 4
Average Score to Par: +0.658
Average Putts: 1.926
16th - 148 Yards, Par 3
Average Score to Par: +0.651
Average Putts: 1.941
Tags: The Grove stat focus series Score Tracker putting Holes greens Courses