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Titleist unveil new Four-Model family of Scotty Cameron Putters

By: Darren Ramowski | Thu 15 Oct 2009

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Validated on the most competitive proving grounds - the worldwide professional golf tours - Titleist advances the Scotty Cameron tradition of crafting modern classics with the introduction of the Scotty Cameron California putter line.  In addition, Cameron adds three new models to its popular Studio Select line.

Scotty Cameron California putters were born from timeless, tour-proven designs and the modern weighting technology that has made Scotty Cameron Studio Select putters so successful.  The Select technology Cameron introduced with the original Studio Select putter line that allows the balancing of putter head weight with shaft length, has been incorporated into the new California line of putters as well, providing a wider range of choices for length and weight to enhance performance for a wide range of putting strokes.

“I am extremely excited about the early acceptance and feedback that I have received about the California family of putters,” said Master Putter Craftsman, Scotty Cameron.  “This new line brings modern playability and customization to some of my favorite designs from my early Classics and Handmade models.  Players who prefer the more flowing, less geometric lines of the Coronado or the Del Mar are now going to find that they don't have to sacrifice performance.  With the wide range of weight and length options that we now have available, players can get a perfect fit for their stroke as well as their eye.”

Cameron California putters are precision milled from soft 303 stainless steel. The new line features four models representative of towns in California - Coronado, Monterey, Sonoma and Del Mar - characterized by blade as well as mallet-style heads and two different neck styles. Available in multiple length, lie and headweight options, players can choose a Cameron California putter with the appearance they prefer, the length and weight they need, and a neck configuration that provides the proper amount of toe flow during the stroke. The California line is distinguished by a unique "Honey Dipped" rich bronze finish that looks great in natural light, while reducing glare.

In addition, in response to feedback from tour players, Titleist has updated the 2009 Studio Select line with the addition of the Newport 2.5, Squareback 2 and Fastback 1.5 models.  The three will replace the current Newport 1.5, Newport 2.7 and Fastback 1 in the Studio Select stable.

The new Cameron California and Studio Select putters will be available from November 1st 2009. The suggested retail prices are still to be confirmed.


Coronado: Blade putter with a smooth, double-step flange and flow neck with a half shaft offset.  The Coronado features an engraved site dot on the topline.  Available in right hand only.

Monterey:  A blade body with smooth double-step flange with a back pocket and engraved site line, and a plumbing neck hosel with a full shaft of offset.  Available in right hand only.

Sonoma:  A compact mallet with a D-shaped back flange and sight line, with a plumbing neck hosel with a full shaft of offset.  Available in right hand only.

Del Mar:  A heel shafted, toe-heavy mid mallet design with engraved sightline on the back flange, and flow neck hosel with a half shaft offset.  Available in both right and left hand.

The new Cameron California family replaces the current Circa 62 series.


Titleist has updated the 2009 Studio Select line with the addition of the Newport 2.5, Squareback 2 and Fastback 1.5 models.  The three will replace the current Newport 1.5, Newport 2.7 and Fastback 1 in the Studio Select stable.  Below are descriptions of each new model:

Newport 2.5: Popular Newport 2 head with engraved sightline on back flange and flow neck with a half shaft offset.  Available in right hand only.

Squareback 2:  A modified Newport-style mid mallet design featuring a more compact head with a square back flange and a plumbing neck hosel with a full shaft of offset.  Available in both right and left hand.

Fastback 1.5:  A modified Newport-style mid mallet design with a rounded back flange and a flow neck with a half shaft offset.  Available in right hand only.


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