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Golfshake Visual Shot Tracking - Shot Tendency

By: Golf Shake | Mon 16 Apr 2018

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Following on from the recent 2018 updates and providing a new way to store the data from the Golfshake stat tracking cards, golfers can now store shot data for their rounds within the Golfshake score tracker system via the new Visual Shot Tracker.

The Golfshake stat tracking system already provides a great way to analyse your golf data and stats and benchmark your game and golf handicap across a series of reports and data.

Stat Tracking

The new updates now allow additional data to be stored against any round in the system allowing golfers to store hole and shot data for shots; off the tee, green approach and 1st putt result.  The new stats are a great way to analyse your golf performance and over time identify shot tendencies to provide insights on where to practice and thus improve your game.

Visual Shot Tracking and Shot Tendency

The new system is simple to use once you have submitted your round scoring data, which can include stats, and access via the main member home page via the '+Shot Tracker' option.  You then simply select the round and then enter round data hole by hole for each of the 3 key areas.

Visual Shot Tracker

The Visual Shot Tracker is a new part of the system that has been in development for sometime and based on the Visual Shot Trackers and part of the Golfshake Stat Tracking cards which are available to buy and use offline. The new system is the next stage of some exciting updates which will see further updates to the stats tracked in readiness for some analytically updates focused around strokes gained and the existing golf handicap benchmarks within the Golfshake system.

For more information and to register visit: www.golfshake.com/signup/

Tags: golfshake updates golfshake game improvement

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