10 Signs You’re Addicted to Golf
Article by Alex Picken
The perception people have of golf couldn’t be more varied. While many people will consider the game to be boring and designed for grumpy old men, the majority of golfers will tell you that the reason they play so much is because of it’s incredibly addictive nature. There’s no denying that once you catch that golfing bug, it’s hard to just shrug it off for good, it will test your blood pressure, your wallet and possibly even your wife’s patience. But even with all of that, we still devote our weekends to playing the game and get excited every time we drain a putt. So why are we so addicted to hitting this little white thing around a field? And what are some of the signs you are becoming addicted yourself…
The quest for perfect
With any sport the quest for perfection is always a difficult proposition, however, with the game of golf this quest for perfection is both addictive and a virtual impossibility. No matter how good you have been playing or what score you shot the day before, the game of golf can turn around the next day and drag you straight back down to earth. But this is why we both love and hate the game at times, it’s the addictive nature of chasing golfing perfection that keeps us coming back for more. Golfshake Score Tracker.
Practicing your imaginary swing
Another sign you’re addicted to golf is religiously practicing your golf swing without any club in your hand. If you find yourself stood in the kitchen waiting for the microwave to ping, stood in the que at a café waiting for a coffee or simply stood in the shower swinging an imaginary golf club, it’s possible you’ve become addicted to golf and don’t even notice it.
Watching golf all the time
With golf increasingly becoming a globally popular sport around the world in a variety of different time zones, it feels like golf is on all day, every day. In the U.K alone some form of live golf tournament or previous golf event is on at almost any time in the morning or night. When you find yourself at 3am watching the highlights from the Malaysian Open for the second-time round, it’s more than likely you’re addicted to golf.
Any weather is golf weather
It’s the middle of November, constant rainy and windy conditions, the ground is frozen over and the golf courses around you are empty. Every other golfer is tucked up in their warm living rooms with their feet up, but you find yourself shelling balls on the range until the lights are ready to shut off. The idea of practice and hitting balls has taken over and before long you’ll be on the putting green in the pouring rain working on alignment.
The shot that makes you come back
We’ve all been there in our golfing careers, you’re new to the game or struggling with your swing and the rounds just aren’t going to plan. But whether you’re shooting in the 80’s, 90’s or even worse, we all remember that one shot that keeps us coming back to the course. Whether it’s a purely struck iron shot or draining a 30ft putt, if this shot is the one that overrides all the rest, you’ll definitely be coming back for more.
New equipment every month
With golf manufacturers constantly flooding the markets with new equipment and technologies, it doesn’t take long for your brand-new clubs to become outdated. Many golfers are happy with using second hand clubs and hand me downs from family members, but the addicted golfers are the ones who find themselves buying the latest equipment almost every few month, turning up to the course with the latest in pointless golfing gadgets and training aids ready to show off. (Sorry Dad, but if the shoe fits…) Golfshake Gear Section.
Dress to impress
We’ve all seen him on the golf course, the golfer whose constantly in the club house, dressed in the most colourful or expensive golf clothes on the market, flamboyantly showing off their many outfits. Always intent on recreating the outfits of favourite players like Ian Poulter and John Daly, there’s no doubt that this kind of golfer has become obsessed with the game they love so much that looking like a fool doesn’t seem to be a problem for them.
The competitive edge
Any sporting competitor understands the importance and thrill of achieving that first illustrious win, and golf is no exception. The difference with golf is the isolation that the competitor faces, when playing in their weekly medal it is simply them against a field of other players all chasing after the same goal. The addictive nature of golf comes from achieving that all important first win, the pride and elation is a feeling that any golfer will tell you is something they search for again and again.
The 24/7 golfer
We all have that one golfing friend who can always be relied upon to turn out for a round, whether it’s a Wednesday afternoon or bright and early on a Saturday morning, he is always readily available to play. Rain or shine this person is devoted to the game and will constantly badger his friends with texts asking, “do you fancy a quick 9 holes?” Good player or bad player they are consistently at the course or the range, simply addicted to the sport they love so much. (Now if you’re struggling to think of a friend you know who is like this, it’s more than likely that it’s you…)
The escape
Although we all get frustrated, angry and emotional when playing in our weekly medal on the golf course, one thing is for certain, it’s better than being at work. Even if the round is going horrible and you’re fed up of chipping out of trees, something as simple as an incredible lake or beautiful scenic view on the course can remind you why you trek all this way round a field; to get away from everything else. It’s a reason why we always come back to the course, because even after the worst round in the world, a cold beer on the balcony watching the sun go down with friends will forever be a factor in the reason you’ll happily go through the same thing all over again next week.