Get Golf Fit: Week 2 Instructions & Exercises
Welcome to week 2 of our Get Golf Fit series with fitness expert Jon Ship. Jon talks through the first 3 drills which make up the routine for the second week in the Get Golf Fit series. Watch the introduction above then complete the 3 exercises below and follow the additional instructions. These should be used in conjunction with and build on the exercises from week 1.
This week we are adding on to the previous week so we start to build a plan, working on helping the body hit positions more consistently with the aim of creating a consistent swing with efficiency which ultimately should get us hitting the ball further and straighter.
Week 2 Exercises
Exercise 4 - Creating Power
This video focused on creating power at end range to assist change of direction in the swing.
Equipment required: A golf club
- Grip left palm down right palm up
- Start in a lunge position (make the stride comfortable) right leg first
- Take club back keeping left shoulder down
- A smooth rhythmical pulse at the top 8-10 times swap legs
- Repeat with left leg forward ensure you transfer weight into right side
- 12-14 repititions of this exercice followed by 15-20 second rest
- Aim for 3 sets of the 12-14 reps
- Ideally complete this drill 3 times a week
- Always go to ranges that are comfortable and feel good
- See disclaimer below
Exercise 5 - Using the Ground
This video is focused again on your hamstrings adding more force to the exercises. Watch this video as part of our 4 week Get Golf Fit video series.
Equipment required: A golf club
- Start in take back
- Small step back as push club down toward the floor come back up into take repeat 12-14 reps
- The the club movement is the same but you step forward with the left leg 12-14 reps
- Rest 20 seconds inbetween sets
- Aim for 3 sets of the 12-14 reps
- Ideally complete this drill 3 times a week
- Always go to ranges that are comfortable and feel good
- See disclaimer below
Exercise 6 - Creating Force
This video focuses on creating change of direction and loading into the follow through to create the photo finish.
Equipment required: A golf club
- Palm left palm open right palm closed
- Take club back keeping left shoulder down as a small step towards target is taken
- Then drive through into follow through use the legs as much as you can.
- Keep right shoulder slightly lower than left in follow through
- 14-16 repititions of this exercice followed by 20-30 second rest
- Aim for 3 sets of the 10-12 reps
- Ideally complete this drill 3 times a week
- Always go to ranges that are comfortable and feel good
- See disclaimer below
The Get Golf Fit series was filmed in conjunction with Jon Ship. To find out more about Jon's golf specific programme visit:
Important Disclaimer:
As with all exercise programs, when using exercise videos, you need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness programme. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. Golfshake, Jon Ship and will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this fitness programme, individual videos, or information shared on our website. This includes emails, videos and text. Thanks for your understanding.
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