Top 10 Most Read Articles of 2019
2019 was a year packed with storylines and rich topics of discussion. From the resurgence of Tiger Woods to Europe's dramatic Solheim Cup triumph at Gleneagles, there was a lot happening on tour, but we also the introduction of golf's newly updated rules, with the World Handicap System to come in the months ahead. Equipment and gear continued to dominate the headlines.
But what most connected with the Golfshake Community? The above subjects certainly drew attention, but it was the stories that impacted regular golfers that most engaged our audience. If you are looking for some reading distraction from the festivities of Christmas and the New Year, we can reveal the Top 10 Most Read Articles on Golfshake in 2019.
How to Take Care of Your Golf Clubs
Buying a set of golf clubs is often expensive, so how do we look after them properly having made that purchase? We reckon it is worth spending some time thinking about how you care for your clubs, during and after a round of golf, and here we give you a few tips that will help you to keep them in top condition.
The Top 5 Drivers of 2019
2019 was all about the face, making the face as hot and fast as possible to increase ball speed to help golfers get more consistency and greater distance. PGA Pro & Equipment Expert Ryan Rastall shared his favourite drives from this year.
The World Handicap System - All You Need to Know
Monumental changes are coming to golf in 2020, with the launch of the new World Handicap System, which aims to provide us all with a unified and more inclusive system for the first time. But what does that mean for you? Golfshake's Derek Clements takes a closer look at the system and explains.
10 Things That Make You Do a Double Take on the Golf Course
Do you know someone who ties their tees together with string? We often find ourselves doing a double-take at some of the habits and the foibles and antics our friends get up to while on the golf course. Golfshake's Derek Clements picks out ten instances.
Lowest Golf Handicaps in the World
England's Matthew Jordan, who won last year's Lytham Trophy, played off a handicap of +7. Golfshake's Derek Clements takes a look through the history of low handicaps, including where many of the great professionals started.
Why Does My Course Look Like This?
Greenkeepers are under constant pressure from golfers as expectations are high, but no matter the time of year, or prevailing weather, there will be imperfections. We have taken a look at several common complains, with an explanation as to why your course looks a certain way, to help you gain a greater appreciation for the work done.
14 Biggest Annoyances on the Golf Course
On the best days, a golf course can be the closest thing we have to Nirvana. But there are things that can shatter the serenity. Golfshake's Will Trinkwon has identified some of the worst pet peeves and annoyances you can experience when playing.
How to Save Your Golf Course This Winter
Your golf club needs your help this winter. Adam Matthews, the Course Manager at Moor Allerton in Yorkshire, has shared his thoughts on ten things that we can all do to protect our precious golf courses throughout the winter months.
Four of the Best Tiger Woods PGA Tour Games
The PGA Tour announced a new video game partnership with HB Studios, ending its long association with EA Sports. Joe Hughes took a nostalgic look back at the Tiger Woods PGA Tour games, and picks his favourites.
Why You Should Change Your Golf Ball in Winter
Due to the effects of the colder weather and golf course conditions, is it worth switching to another ball throughout winter? We have asked hundreds of golfers, discovering a divided spectrum of views between those who make a change, and those who don't.
For more content like this, visit the Golfshake News Section!
Tags: winter golf tour News golfshake gear daily picks Courses Content