A total beginner
Hi Everyone,
I'm a complete beginner having just recently played a few rounds at a local 9 hole course called Greenlands which is in Spain, where I live 6-8 months of the year. I am returning home to North Wales mid November and wonder if there are any members on here local to Wrexham,Chester or my home town Hawarden who would be interested in having a friendly knock and giving me a bit of encouragement, tuition etc as I'm finding it very embarrasing and disheartening.
Stuart Ould
Reply : Sun 30th Oct 2011 18:21
Hi Stuart, welcome to the site and to the wonderful world of golf. Do not be discouraged by finding this game a lot more difficult that you ever imagined and take heart from the fact that after fifty five years of playing I am now worse than the day I started.
Reply : Sun 30th Oct 2011 18:53
oh great....... does THAT mean I'm going to get worse??.. thats it.. I'm hanging up my clubs and joing a knitting forum.lol
Will keep you posted re my development.lol
Reply : Sun 30th Oct 2011 19:39
Welcome to both golf and golfshake Stuart
The joy of golf is no matter how good you are you will always be trying to get better and cut that handicap. It's one of the few sports that allows you to play to a ripe old age and still compete with the kids. Once the bug bites you will be stuck with it for life
What John fails to tell you is he is an extremely talented golfer who has fallen victim to the march of time and ill health. He is frustrated because he used to be a scratch golfer and still wants to play just as well. However, if he ever offers to play you off your drives, tell him "no thanks"
Reply : Sun 30th Oct 2011 20:36
Ha ha,, thanks for the warning.. i'll know not to have a little side bet with the old shark for a drink in the 19th.lol
Reply : Sun 30th Oct 2011 21:25
Just so you know Stuart, John told me a couple of weeks ago he played a young player at his club who has a very low handicap (2 or 3 handicap) who was foolish enough to take John up on his offer of playing off scratch from his drives. John beat him 2 & 1. The old shark (Stuart's words but very accurate) still has a game but not quite the distance