Does Golfshake's computer need a rest/holiday?
Not that I'm too anal about it, but I'm curious as to why when I look at my supposed best rounds, I find :- a 108 with 28 pts ranked above a 106 with 28 points. Similarly, a 109 with 27 comes above a 107 with 27 and even a 106 with 27! Is there some more sophisticated rule being applied, other than lowest gross score and Stableford points scored, which determines what's best?
I'm taking my golfing anorak off now, as the only score that really matters to me is the hopefully good one I'm going to get tomorrow!
Reply : Fri 7th Oct 2011 11:02
Hi Bob, I'll look at this
We aren't applying anything sophistacted in listing your best scores just the stableford points.