L plates reqd urgently
The frustration is reaching epidemic proportions. My stats around the green, sand saves and putting etc are between scratch and 3 or 4 but my GIR is that of a 12 handicapper. And the reason its so poor is I continually struggle off the tee. My birdie conversion rate is that of a 2 handicapper, which is stunning considering what my GIR is like. Crikey, if I can up my chances of more birdie putts who knows how good things could be...
I'm seriously thinking of spending the month on the practice ground, starting from basics with alignment and ball position, and horror of horrors a lesson. Me doing a lesson is like snow in August!
Anyone got the number for the Samaritans
Reply : Tue 27th Sep 2011 23:11
Brian, even the best players in the world occasionally need someone to look at them, even if it is only confirmation of what you yourself think is the problem.
You don't get to maintain a handicap like yours, especially when you are suffering from various medical complaints, by playing badly.
Sometimes the scores do not truly show ones current level of striking because certain parts of the game can help restore parts of the game that are not up to scratch.
You have to drive well off your handicap, so if that is the problem, then perhaps a little advice from someone you know and respect may be the answer. Good luck anyway.
Reply : Wed 28th Sep 2011 19:42
I always say that playing with like handicappers and trying to 'out do' each other helps one improve ones game.
Reply : Fri 30th Sep 2011 13:10
I'm hitting the ball as well as I've ever at this moment in time.
My scores on the other hand are not reflecting this!
The number of times I've had a scorecard where I've played well but I'm just a shot or two over my buffer zone, meaning I've gone up 0.1 is beyond belief!
Professional golfers have people looking at their game all the time so don't think having a lesson is wrong.
I've had a few lessons and it has taken me from a 23 handicap down to my present handicap of 13