Greensomes & Juniors
I was quite priviliged to be asked to play with one of my clubs junior memebers in this weekends gents / juniors comp..
we played with another pair...the junior being 10 years old playing off 36
the format was greensomes..ive never been a fan of this type game...however to play it with juniors off the whites for me is a no...whilst not intending to patronise and accepting some juniors play very low handicaps i beleive its more damage than good.....our 10 yr old was under incredible pressure at many points in the round (as was my 14 year old) to not let his partner down and tears were present on some shots, he nearly begged on occassions for his partner to take shorter shots on to prevent pressure near water and unsure whether i think this will strengthen him or scare him away from the game / comps? what do you think?? surely betterball stableford would be the right mix also allowing everyone to get into some sort of rhythm? or is this too soft? should players be toughened even at this age? does playing less shots ease pressure?... i dont see the point of greensomes..does anyone like it??
Reply : Sun 25th Sep 2011 22:56
I was Junior organiser for a number of years at my last club, so here'smy take on it. If someone that young has several bad experiences they'll go and find something else to do. It's that simple.
Also, mixing kids of 10 years old with established juniors and adults doesn't work. They get to see first hand, brutally, how they just can't compete. And again if they feel its too difficult they'll give up. Have them compete with those of similar age and ability and they'll be in their comfort zone.
As to greensomes as a game, I love as I do for pretty much every format. My favourite is Canadian Greensomes, where you both tee off, then you hit you partner's ball and his your. Then you choose which one to finish the hole with.