An Offer to Golfshakers
I have recently joined Minchinhampton Golf Club, which is located close to Stroud. There are two courses at the new site, plus I can get reduced rate on the old course which is just up the road. At the new site, one course is parkland and the other inland links and both are cracking courses and a good test. A link to the website is below: -
They are currently doing an offer for guests of a member where they can get a day ticket for unlimited golf on the two new courses for the princely sum of just £25, which is less than the price of a round. There is a limit to a maximum of three guests per day, but no limit to how many times I sign in guests. The member must also play all rounds with the guests.
If anyone fancies joining me for a round in the morning, some lunch in the excellent clubhouse and then a round on the other course in the afternoon, please send me a PM. This offer is available 7 days a week, but due to my work commitments Friday, Saturday and Sunday would be best.
Reply : Sun 31st Jul 2011 21:07
Be rude not to Mr P. Weekends are also good for me, just a matter of when....
Reply : Sun 31st Jul 2011 21:34
Can I suggest you have a look at this Tim
Given the liking of all things equestesrian the ladies in your life have, and given that the entrance to the car park for the above event is just 300 yards from the entrance to the golf club, you could offer to bring the ladies down and leave them there while you have a day of golf. Win-win for you with lots of brownie points....
Reply : Mon 1st Aug 2011 10:15
Hi Chris
Brings back memories! I used to go on holiday with parents at Minchinhampton and we stayed in a cottage overlooking one of the fairways. We played the course numerous times and I loved it, especially with the cattle in the way on the fairways!
That was the old course I think and the clubhouse was lovely and welcoming too as I remember. I am going to Silverstone over the next couple of months to take part in a driving experience but I could possibly do a morning or afternoon - both would not be possibe for me as I live in Lancashire.
Last edit : Mon 1st Aug 2011 10:17
Reply : Mon 1st Aug 2011 21:42
That is indeed the old course Matt, and I can confirm that nothing has changed and the cows (and horses!) are out on the course right now.
Drop me a PM and I will happily have a round with you
Reply : Tue 2nd Aug 2011 12:49
I'd be up for that Chris, as I don't work Friday's they are good as well as Sat & Sun, as long as I am not playing anywhere else.
Could travel down with Tim
Reply : Tue 2nd Aug 2011 22:07
You'd be welcome Martin. Have a chat with Tim and let me know when you want to come down. Feel free to convince some other poor victim to come down with you to make a four-ball up
Reply : Tue 2nd Aug 2011 23:07
I'll make up a four if you are interested, Just let me know.
Reply : Wed 3rd Aug 2011 00:01
Tempted" title="indecision" width="20" />
Reply : Wed 3rd Aug 2011 00:11
How about the 20th/21st August - I can do that...
Reply : Wed 3rd Aug 2011 22:46
There is a Sunday medal on the 21st, but we could use that to our advantage. When there is a comp on it is held on the day's 3 & 4 ball course and the the 2 ball course is open for 3 and 4 balls. So we could play as a 4 on the 2 ball course during the medal and as a 4 on the 3 & 4 ball course either before or after the medal
Reply : Thu 4th Aug 2011 00:19
I'm OK for that. Not got many more free weekends for a bit. Anyone else?
Reply : Thu 4th Aug 2011 12:54
that day good for me also. lets do it.
Reply : Thu 4th Aug 2011 22:02
21st it is. Club has confirmed we can play both courses as a four-ball as long as we play to opposite course to the medal while it is on. I can book tee times from this Sunday. Roughly 9:00am and 2:30pm sound OK?
Reply : Thu 4th Aug 2011 22:32
I'd have been up for it, especially as I sampled the goods a few weeks ago.
Can't make any weekends in August though. I'm sure you'll all have a good game.
Good luck with the 'bounces', they got me a few times!!
My tip for the one course is leave your driver in the bag for the 1st 5 holes, 4 iron or less is all that's required.
Reply : Thu 4th Aug 2011 22:55
We're playing both courses Floody.
Matt Crossley is coming down to play on Sunday 18th September so if anyone wants to make a 4 ball up on that day, again playing both courses with a £25 day rate your'e welcome to join us.
Mr Flood, Mr Ley.........
Reply : Thu 4th Aug 2011 23:26
Just waiting to see if James Illsley can make the 21st Chris and we'll have a four.
Reply : Fri 5th Aug 2011 00:05
Yep, I'll be there. Looking forward to it.
Reply : Fri 5th Aug 2011 09:11
Thought John Pettitt was making the four?
Reply : Fri 5th Aug 2011 10:11
I have sent you a PM, Chris, Extortionate buggy prices have deterred me. I also noted that James was assumed to be the fourth. Have a great day boys.
Reply : Fri 5th Aug 2011 10:21
I understand John and must admit I was surprised by the asking price for a buggy. However, if you wish to reconsider and join us on 18th Sept with shared costs for the buggy you'd be very welcome
Reply : Fri 5th Aug 2011 17:03
Sounds like a plan, Chris.
Reply : Sun 7th Aug 2011 21:09
Can you guys let me know what time you want to tee off for your first round. Want to give us enough time to get the two rounds in plus lunch but you are the ones doing the travelling and don't want to force you to get up before you were planning to
Reply : Mon 8th Aug 2011 08:44
Perhaps you would share a buggy with me, Dave, then I can make the 18th.
Reply : Mon 8th Aug 2011 09:30
what time do you reckon? We've got a 2 hour journey probably, so depends on how long the morning round will take as to what time we get there.
Reply : Mon 8th Aug 2011 09:48
Tim,If we plan for a 4 hour round, an hour for lunch and 4 hours in the afternoon then we won't be far off worse case. Every other tee time is non-bookable to allow turn up and play for members so if we are ready we can go out early in the afternoon.
Reply : Fri 19th Aug 2011 21:39
Weather is looking good for Sunday. Just a note on rules for the clubhouse, think of it as a nightclub: -
- No jeans
- No trainers or golf shoes (there's no spike bar)
- No wet waterproofs (shouldn't be a problem on Sunday)
- Shirts/T-shirts must have sleeves and a collar
Would hate for you to travel all that way and not be able to have a full english.....
Reply : Sat 20th Aug 2011 00:41
I'm talking about clubhouse not course Tim. I've never known a clubhouse that doesn't allow trainers.
Reply : Sat 20th Aug 2011 12:29
A nightclub!?!? i will have to dig out my yellow spandex top!
Reply : Sun 21st Aug 2011 14:22
"I've never known a clubhouse that doesn't allow trainers." You've been to my club haven't you!?!
I would say most private clubs wouldn't allow trainers in the clubhouse.
Reply : Sun 21st Aug 2011 18:53
Not sure I've ever been to a golf course and worn trainers!
Disclaimer: I have worn flip flops with tailored golf shorts
Reply : Sun 21st Aug 2011 22:47
Results from today
Morning round (Cherington course)
- Front 9 - Martin (20 pts)
- Back 9 - Chris (20 pts)
- Round - Martin (35 pts)
Afternoon round (Avening course)
- Front 9 - Chris (18 pts)
- Back 9 - Martin & Tim halved (19 pts)
- Round - Martin & Chris halved (34 pts)
Overall scores
- 1st - Martin (69 pts)
- 2nd - Chris (68 pts)
- 3rd - Tim (62 pts)
- 4th - James (51 pts)
Cracking day guys, throughly enjoyed it. My feet are aching and I'm gonna sleep tonight but you're welcome to come down to do it again anytime
Reply : Mon 22nd Aug 2011 12:11
Thanks for posting the results Chris (not!)
Seriously, thanks again for your hospitality yesterday. Minchinhampton is a cracking set up and I look forward to playing there again at some point, although I am nursing slight sunburn this morning!
Reply : Mon 22nd Aug 2011 13:50
Got to agree James, cracking day out and many thanks to Chris for setting it up. Couple of really good courses, shame about the slightly spiked greens on the morning course but they didn't really spoil it to be fair.
No sunburn for me but distinctly sore knees and feet today. Will get round to putting my scores in later, still can't believe how I managed 19 points on the back nine in the afternoon - will be interesting to see how many putts I took as I hardly hit any greens in regulation but was really pleased with my very short game. Magic ball has now been retired, it just didn't want to get lost and the bouncing off the out of bounds walls has taken it's toll!
Reply : Mon 22nd Aug 2011 20:20
Glad you enjoyed it guys and only too happy to host you all again. I thoroughly enjoyed it too. My legs have been a little achey all day and I have a golfers tan (arms from mid-bicep down, left hand white).
Must admit that I feel bad that you came down just a couple of days after they scarified the greens on one of the courses as the greens are normally superb, but I suppose at least it shows they look after them.
I hope Dave, John and Mark enjoy themselves as much on 18th September
Reply : Mon 22nd Aug 2011 20:56
Hmm, 32 putts in the morning and 30 in the afternoon.....
Didn't make that much difference..
Reply : Sun 4th Sep 2011 11:51
For Messers Pettit, Ley and Crossley
I have booked tee times for Sunday 18th September. We play at 10:06 and 14:30. We could probably get away about 20 minutes earlier on each if we are ready.
Do you want me to book you a buggy John?
Last edit : Wed 14th Sep 2011 20:54
Reply : Sun 4th Sep 2011 12:49
Yes please Chris, cannot play without one, as you know. Afterthought - cannot play with one.
Reply : Sun 4th Sep 2011 18:14
Cheers Chris , looking forward to it.
Reply : Mon 5th Sep 2011 21:34
Buggy is booked. Breakfast is served from 8:00am
Reply : Wed 14th Sep 2011 20:59
For the three of you travelling down on Sunday, here's the full address of the club: -
- Minchinhampton Golf Club, New Courses, Minchinhampton, Stroud, Glos. GL6 9BE
Make sure you head for the new courses, unlike the driver last time who ignored my advice and directions and found himself at the old course about 3 miles away.......
If you wanted to do some online planning for the rounds, or just have a nose, here's a link to the website ->
Last edit : Wed 14th Sep 2011 21:02
Reply : Wed 14th Sep 2011 21:20
I just followed my GPS
I should of stuck to the road signs!
Reply : Wed 14th Sep 2011 22:06
That's the last two visitors then. I got a call from Mr Hawkins from the Old Course clubhouse after Mr Millichip decided technology was better than local knowledge for directions, despite full and clear directions being sent to him.....
Reply : Wed 14th Sep 2011 23:52
I'd just like to say that the driver and the navigator were deciding the route on account of me not having my glasses and unable to read the e-mail.
Anyway, good luck finding it Floody! Don't miss the breakfast though, it was lovely.
Reply : Thu 15th Sep 2011 06:20
"driver and the navigator were deciding the route" - don't blame me Hawkins!
Chris' directions left a lot to be desired and were really difficult to follow, that was why we had problems. At one point, he wrote something along the lines of "up the hill and just as you leave the trees there's a sharp right turn and, would you believe it, there was a sharp right turn just after the trees ended. I mean, how are us navigators expected to cope with that?!?!
Reply : Thu 15th Sep 2011 14:19
I went down a few weeks before you lot & I turned up at the old course as that is the postcode they give on their website!!!!
Didn't have a brekky as I went down on an afternoon.
Reply : Thu 15th Sep 2011 17:58
Tim stop teasing me with a brekkie you know im an athlete" title="cheeky" width="20" />
Last edit : Thu 15th Sep 2011 19:22
Reply : Thu 15th Sep 2011 18:47
True athletes have large breakfasts, Dave.
Reply : Thu 15th Sep 2011 19:28
I believe athletes sweat alot too John , just like me" title="blush" width="20" />I'll be there for brekkie with you colonel no bother.
Playing with young Kev H at my place tomorrow in our club charity day just hope the weather holds up.
See you 8- 8:30? sunday.
Reply : Thu 15th Sep 2011 23:20
Matt Crossley has had to drop out due to unforeseen and more important things coming up. Thanks for letting me know Matt. If anyone wants to make the 3 ball into a 4 ball you're welcome to join us
And Dave, the brekkie will set you up for the day
Reply : Fri 16th Sep 2011 14:12
Chris, I can bring a 4th player.
Last edit : Fri 16th Sep 2011 14:12
Reply : Fri 16th Sep 2011 20:03
Not a problem if you know someone who would like to join us John. Who you thinking of?
Reply : Fri 16th Sep 2011 20:21
He is from my club and his name is Simon 14 handicap. Hits the ball miles in every direction.
Reply : Fri 16th Sep 2011 21:02
Obviously any friend of yours is welcome John.
"Hits the ball miles in every direction."
I suggest he tries towards the flag on Sunday, he may score a little better
Reply : Fri 16th Sep 2011 22:15
He is looking forward to it immensely, as am I. Will be great to catch up with you both.
Reply : Sat 17th Sep 2011 19:25
Weather is not looking too bad for tomorrow. Looking forward to it. See you there for brekkie!
Sun 18 Sep 1:00 3:59 7 °c 5 °c 0 0.0 mm 4 %

Reply : Sun 18th Sep 2011 21:45
Thanks to John, Dave and Simon for coming down today. Good company and an enjoyable day. Golf was a bit up and down but we got lucky with the weather (barring one rather heavy hailstorm). Hope you enjoyed the club and courses. Just like to say the following to you all: -
- Dave - A ball can do that, it's not impossible, you saw it
- John - You are not getting more shots, you already have too many
- Simon - Enjoy that bottle of wine, you needed it by the end
If anyone else wants to come to Minchinhampton and enjoy two rounds on two different courses for £25, just drop me a PM
Last edit : Sun 18th Sep 2011 21:47
Reply : Mon 19th Sep 2011 14:24
Just arrived back home. A great days golf, Chris and tremendous value for money. Two great courses.
You are indeed very lucky to have that choice, with the facilities the club provides for a very reasonable yearly fee.
I really enjoyed the day as I felt that I played a lot better than I have recently.. Always nice to watch Leyo belt the ball miles with whatever club he selects.
Certainly impressed with the length you are getting off the tee with that three wood. Oh how I wish I could do that.
Will have to do it again next year, hopefully, and don't forget you are welcome at my club anytime you would like to come and play.
Last edit : Mon 19th Sep 2011 17:47
Reply : Mon 19th Sep 2011 23:41
Have to agree , quite envious of the facilities and courses that Chris has as a member at Mincinhampton GC. Thoroughly enjoyed both courses and the Cherrington just tipping the balance for me. If you get the oppertunity to take chris up on his offer i highly recommend you do.
Thanks guys for the enjoyable day JP, Simon and especially our host Chris , hope to do it again sometime.