Invitation to a pasting
David Marshall and John Pettitt are invited, through this public forum, to suggest days when they would like to come to Stevenage Golf Club for a matchplay pasting from myself and Russ Middleton.
Reply : Mon 28th Mar 2011 15:37
Have clubs, will travel, just depends on what days David can make.
Reply : Mon 28th Mar 2011 17:43
No Stewart, I do not have a part time job at my new club, so I can play anytime depending of course on hospital appointments etc. I am playing pretty well at the moment, so you may be in for a shock.
Reply : Wed 30th Mar 2011 17:37
It will be nice to see you all again.
Looking forward to getting over to Stevenage and surveying the course.
Then we will play the match and we will be gracious in victory, no jumping about, screaming and shouting, etc!
Reply : Wed 30th Mar 2011 17:51
Are you two taking something?
Reply : Thu 31st Mar 2011 10:03
That's right, Dave, you tell em, young whippersnappers.
Reply : Thu 31st Mar 2011 16:24
I cannot believe how early you are getting your excuses in Dave!!!!" title="smiley" width="20" />
John always plays steady, we both know that, but he will fade due to the intense heat from the sun (we'll play on a really warm day!), and to top it off there will be a buggy ban on at the same time, so John will have to walk. Both Stuart and I have graciously agreed that John will not have to carry his clubs, we'll let him use a trolley!
Checking my golfing calendar now and I'll send some dates over to Stuart.
Then we can get this game on
Reply : Thu 31st Mar 2011 16:46
This is almost worth coming down just to watch...
Reply : Tue 7th Jun 2011 14:24
Well Stuart, I too would have been away until the 16th June, but ended up in hospital over the week-end in Gorleston. Back home now so whenever is fine by me.
Reply : Sat 25th Jun 2011 15:50
To be fare this looks like its going to be the John&Russ show!! ,but welcome back old fella." title="cheeky" width="20" />
Reply : Sat 25th Jun 2011 16:59
I thought they had forgotten about this game!
I'm willing to take it easy on the two of you, could even just let Stuart do most of the work and I'll take the glory shot on the 10th hole for the match.
Sending my available dates to Stuart over this weekend so we can get something sorted out.
Reply : Sat 25th Jun 2011 19:02
nice to see you finally got broadband down in the forest know!
Reply : Wed 29th Jun 2011 00:11
DM if the weather wasn't so bad you would have had to suffer 36 Govan holes!!
Reply : Thu 30th Jun 2011 12:02
All this talk is a waste of time if you two cannot arrange this game. Both David and I are ready and willing.
Reply : Thu 30th Jun 2011 13:25
I can do Mon 4th July, 11th and 12th July are out with hospital appointments, but every other date sounds OK to me.
Reply : Tue 5th Jul 2011 10:35
Now that I have joined the ranks of the unemployed again dates probably won't be a problem, getting to Stevenage, now that might be!