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Club Membership

Posted by: user41897 | Fri 31st Dec 2010 20:15 | Last Reply

I'm sure this subject has come up before but I'll raise it again anyway.

I am contemplating joining a club for the competitions / play anytime / improving by playing same course etc etc.

The club has two courses, is local and having played the main course a few times recently I like it.

The 7day membership is £1,260 for 12 months from April 1st.  They say I can pay that now and get now to April 1st for free so £1,260 for 15 months = £84 a month.  No joining fee.

Now £1,260 sounds a lot and I will have to cut back on other things like Gtour and other such (but not NvS) games else the yearly cost will become too much.

I was wondering what other clubs are currently charging.  I know a local (but less attractive course) are charging £800 a year.

I guess £84 a month is really only two weekend games a month and I'm likely to play more than that and so it is good value.

I know also that places like Crown Golf allow members to play on other courses however these are not close enough for me for that to be worthwhile.

Any thoughts welcomed.

re: Club Membership
Reply : Fri 31st Dec 2010 20:26

I guess I should add that the course is Lords Golf Club in Rayleigh, Essex.  It has two courses Duke and Earl - the latter being an SSS 67.  It has good practice facilities.  7 day membership gets free play anytime / anycourse and the usual benefits.

Have read a few of the other posts that talk about £800 a year which feels about right. I have played as a guest which is £20 weekday and £30 weekends.  I don't believe non-members can play on the main course unless with a member.  

I suppose the course is a £40 a round pay and play equivalent and bearing in mind my golf will mostly be at weekends then it is two rounds per month.  Put like that it doesn't see so bad, especially with the 15 months for 12 deal.

Last edit : Fri 31st Dec 2010 20:27
re: Club Membership
Reply : Fri 31st Dec 2010 20:36

Oh, and I'm okay on the pros and cons of club membership.

Just wondering if £1,260 pa is a bit steep.

re: Club Membership
Reply : Fri 31st Dec 2010 22:21

Andy I'm with you I am contemplating joining a club for the competitions / play anytime / improving by playing same course etc etc.

Just haven't found the right course at the right price just yet.

Unfortunately I'm not based in your area so couldn't comment on price but very few around the Midlands charge that sort of price, average mark is £700-£1100

re: Club Membership
Reply : Sat 1st Jan 2011 11:22

Andy, for that price for 2 courses I'd snap there hands off. I pay just over a grand for 1 course so yours sounds like a bargain

re: Club Membership
Reply : Sat 1st Jan 2011 11:38

If you seriously wish to improve your game, Andy, then I would recommend joining Orsett Golf Club.

This was built on an ash tip so is free draining and plays all year round. It is an Open qualifier course and a strong test of your game. Easy access from the A13.

re: Club Membership
Reply : Sat 1st Jan 2011 13:24


I hadn't thought of Orsett - never played there before.

Looking on website their 7 day membership is showing as £1,190 which is comparable to Lords.

I like the look of Orsett and may go a have a game with a member on the pretext of joining.  Trouble is it is a little too far and I don't know anyone who plays there (appreciate I would get to know people).

Thanks for advice though.

re: Club Membership
Reply : Sat 1st Jan 2011 15:11

You are fortunate to be in an area that is flooded with decent courses andy. You could also check out St Cleres g c about a mile from orsett, langdon hills gc which has three loops of nine. Stoneyhills at brentwood is another nice complex. There is also three rivers gc not to far from rayleigh. For pay and play value Dunton hills takes some beating.  I moved from essex to thanet in kent 10 years ago and still miss the abundance of good courses there. As most golf clubs are struggling at the moment I am sure you will find a good deal at one of these for less than £1000 pa.

re: Club Membership
Reply : Sat 1st Jan 2011 15:22


Yes - many courses and options.  Been looking on a few websites today.  Rochford is £1045, Thorpe Bay is £1197+500 JF and Ballards Gore is £833.

Three Rivers is nice but a bit far.  Never played St Clere's - not inclined to either for some reason.  Langdon Hills is 3 loops and about £800 pa but feel it lacks a club atmosphere.  South Essex (Stoney Hills) is a Crown Course with those benefits but a bit far to go.

Lords is actually quite close to Rayleigh where wifes elderly dad lives and she has been making approving noises with convinence for dropping in to check on him etc

I suppose one of my reasons for reticence with Lords is that it is a bit 'Essex' if you know what I mean.

I'm quite tempted to go and try Orsett before I make any decisions esp after JP's recommendation -  whilst in Essex it may be a slightly better club atmosphere (not wanting to open up the 'snooty club' debate again).

Decisions decisions.

re: Club Membership
Reply : Sat 1st Jan 2011 15:44

It all depends on the course and the area, I live in Stoke and prices range from £500-1200 a year the majority of which are in the 600-700 bracket. The only club above £900 is Trentham but this again is an open qualifier course and costs around £1200 a year so is comparible. One thing we do still get here with quiet a few of the local courses is that they do still carry a joining fee so this does in general keep the yearly fees down a touch.

It all comes down to preference for me, if you are going to feel like your getting value for money at £84 a month then do it, if not then look else where. Also bear in mind next year you will be paying nearer £100 a month which may not be as appealing. It can take a little time when joining a club to bed your self into club way of life, after spending 15 months at a club I would expect you would end up getting a good group of playing partners and buddies at the club. Leaving after 15months and starting again at a new club could be a bit of a kick in the teeth.

re: Club Membership
Reply : Sat 1st Jan 2011 16:28

Andy, Orsett is a golf club in the true sense of the word. If I lived in Essex, I would only choose between Thorndon Park and Orsett, both old established courses run how a golf club should be run.

All the new ones will never achieve the same atmosphere or recognition, believe me.

re: Club Membership
Reply : Sat 1st Jan 2011 17:29

Ah.  Just looking again at Orsett and spotted at the bottom of the membership fees the £1,250 joining fee (that can be spread over 5 years).

I think that puts paid to thoughts of Orsett.  maybe join Lords for a year and if my game improves that much then think about Orsett later.

Thanks for the advice John.

re: Club Membership
Reply : Sat 1st Jan 2011 18:54

All private clubs had joining fees and it is testamount to the quality of that club and its course that it is still able to charge that and maintain the required membership.

All the clubs I have been a member at apart from the past ten years have all required a joing fee, usually equal to one years membership. You get what you pay for also applies to golf clubs, Andy.

re: Club Membership
Reply : Sun 2nd Jan 2011 11:41

The price of club membership is high when compared to social golf. I have just set up my 9 month saving plan to pay for Sept fees but at £120 a month that's 4 rounds at £30.00 which would get me a round a week at most "decent" courses in the Midlands.  What it won't get me is competition, being part of a club, atmosphere, team spirit/team events etc.

There is no comparison to being part of a club and until you try it you will never know.


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