Fancy a game?... Essex area....
If anyone fancies a game at some point next week, I have a few days off. Early start always good (missus doesn't mind so much then!).
Anywhere Essex is good.
Andy B
Reply : Sun 30th May 2010 21:15
I know this is real short notice but I'm free tomorrow morning...dont know if that is any good for you??
Reply : Sun 30th May 2010 21:27
At this moment in time I don't know if the agency has got me any work for next week.
I'm working in the morning but as for Tuesday onwards, I'm not sure!
Once I know I'll PM you and we'll see if we can sort something out.
Reply : Sun 30th May 2010 21:47
Matt / Russell
I'd love a round. I've had to nip down to Somerset today (hoping to get a game in whilst I'm here...). I'm back on Tuesday so Wednesday onwards is fine with me. Just say where and when!
07525 406198