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Do I Damage My Golf Ball?

Posted by: user20126 [FORUM MODERATOR] | Sat 7th Nov 2009 17:00 | Last Reply

When I get a golf ball I put my mark onto it and I also put an inch long blue line onto the ball, this is what I use to line up my ball when putting.

When I tee up I also use this blue line to line up with my target line.

Now that 'Winter rules' have come in I have also found myself using my blue line to line up my shots.

Having thought about it I think that doing this cannot help my golf balls!  It means that everytime I play a shot I would be striking the ball in the same place.  No matter which way I put the blue line I will only every strike the ball in two places.

Do you think this will damage my golf ball?


re: Do I Damage My Golf Ball?
Reply : Sat 7th Nov 2009 17:07

Me thinks you have far too much time on your hands Russ

re: Do I Damage My Golf Ball?
Reply : Sat 7th Nov 2009 17:11

Dave, you could be 'So Right' there.

Maybe I should concentrate more on getting the ball into that small hole more!


re: Do I Damage My Golf Ball?
Reply : Sat 7th Nov 2009 18:54

The only answer, Russ, is to get to scratch and then you will not hit it as many times as you do now, thus prolonging the life of the ball.

re: Do I Damage My Golf Ball?
Reply : Sat 7th Nov 2009 18:56

John, what a great idea....

If I become a scratch golfer then I'll be hitting the ball ten to fifteen times less than I am now, therefore saving wear and tear on the three golf balls I own.


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