hitting my drives yards further
as some of you who may have read one of my previous post will know i was struggling to get any decent distance with the driver and was averaging 200 yards (using google earth over my golf course to tell lol)
well id been out practising in the practice area today and had found that a big problem i was having was letting the angle in my wrists break and become slack on the takeaway which was leading to my ball striking being very inconsistent also i noticed that kinda flicking my wrists through impact was getting me further. after a while i noticed i was hitting my irons maybe 2 clubs further so i went out for a quick 9. straight away i realised that by using the wrist technique id learned i hit my first drive further so as there was nobody behind me i hit about 4 drives on each hole and to my amazement i was hitting every ball that same extra distance and thanks to not letting my wrists break down early in the takeaway i was able to really unload on them and still get the clubhead back to where it should be everytime. the result was longer drives and every single drive i hit for the entire 9 holes plus practices landing within 5 yards of each other in the middle of the fairway.
decided to check it out on google earth tonight and ive found that ive gone from 200 yards to 230 yards in one day. best of all the last hole i hit 2 drives further than ever before and they were 230 yards also but there was a wind in my face and its slightly uphill so i think theres more there yet. YIPEE!
just had to tell somebody who understands as the wife is a bit underwhelmed lol. probably go out tomorrow and not be able to do it again but at least i know where to start looking if its going wrong
Reply : Sun 27th Sep 2009 21:16
Well done David, hopefully it'll continue when you go out the next time.