New to this website
Hi , I am new to this website and want to ask for advice.
I am living in Enfield and my best friend from Hong Kong is coming to visit me in early Nov this year and I would like to arrange a golf game for him during his visit in London. I want to let him have a taste in playing golf in the UK and it will be a very interesting experience. He has been playing golf for few years in China as well as in Hong Kong. His handicap is around 28-29 (I think).
I have some questions:
1. Can a visitor be allowed to play golf in local golf course? I am not a member of any golf club in London.
2. If yes, what kind of golf course is suitable for him? is there any golf course in Enfield that suitable for him?
3. I am not a golf-player. Do you think he can have some golf-partners in London in Nov?
I sincerely look forward to your advice.
Reply : Fri 11th Sep 2009 22:23
There is an excellent public course in Enfield called Whitewebbs Park.