North vs South 2010 - feedback required
I am planning at present and hope to annouce the 2010 venue and events in October. Potential NvS venues are below.
I would welcome feedback on the following questions which have been born out of the last 2 events and would be good to get feedback before the 4th NvS in 2010 -
1, Are we happy to scrap the individual stableford and focus on matchplay ONLY ?
The 1st event was at Hellidon Lakes in the Midlands, 2nd was then Northish at Belton Woods given the North won the 1st, the 3rd event then moved South to Wokefield Park to do a North / South alternation similar to the Ryder Cup. Consensus from 2009 was to fix a venue in the middle of the country and the use that each year rather than moving. Therefore -
2, Happy to scrap the North/South alternate and all events now in Middle of country ?
3, Happy to use same venue each year ?
4, Views on 2 day event rather than 1 ?
Potential venues for 2010, focus is on middle country therefore near J15 of M1 around Northants area ie -
Staverton Park
Belton Woods
Overstone Park
Hellidon Lakes
Regards, Darren.
Reply : Wed 2nd Sep 2009 14:58
1) Yes definitely
2) Not opposed to this idea and would support it , bit of a home advantage when either side pick a home venue and has a bit more edge but fully understand the reasons for a central venue.
3) Yes, if it meets all the criteria.
4) Defo 2 days single stapleford format on the first day but not compulsory to compete on the first day.
Reply : Wed 2nd Sep 2009 16:36
Here's my thoughts: -
I would say no to Staverton (too far from 18th for that pressurised last hole viewing, although a good finishin hole) and Belton Woods is too far North and very out of the way. Haven't played the others so I can't comment.
However, M1 J15 is NOT the middle of the country, it's about an hour away between Birmingham and Coventry. Forest of Arden is the closest to the middle of the country, so that may be worth considering. Also, The Warwickshire just of M40 J15 is supposed to be good.
Reply : Wed 2nd Sep 2009 16:48
I reckon
1. The main event has still got to be matchplay - and only matchplay. Could have a secondary comp the day before on a stableford or matchplay, not sure if it should count towards the main event but that depends if it's a weekend so most people can play in both comps.
2. OK with middle of the country.
3. Would be good to keep the event at the same venue as long as it's good enough.
4. Hellidon Lakes has a good finishing hole as has Forest of Arden. Not stayed at Hellidon but hotel looks OK, Arden is a bit corporate for my liking.
Reply : Wed 2nd Sep 2009 17:31
my 2 cents
1, yes only matchplay
2, yes middle area each year would be good
3, maybe as mr marshall says change every 2 years but happy to stay at same course each year
4, just a single day event as possibly not everyone would be able to attend both days
my suggestion for a venue would be whittlebury park as they have 4 nine hole courses that you can mix and match so possibly a venue we could use for moe than 2yrs and play different nine each time
or even silvestone golf club
the only thing i am unsure of though is accomodation at these venues
Reply : Wed 2nd Sep 2009 18:59
1. Yes only matchplay
2. Agree a central venue would be good. Lets not get into any more discussion about where is a central location. You cannot please everyone.
3. Would be in favour of this idea but would go with the flow.
4. Overstone Park would get my vote. But I too think that Whittlebury Park be given some thought also.
Reply : Thu 3rd Sep 2009 13:38
As the event is primarily a match between the North v South, then the emphasis must be for the match to be played under matchplay conditions.
If a two day event is the order of the day then the match could be played under Ryder cup rules with either fourball matchplay or foursomes (I love foursomes as it is a much truer test than the fourballs). Singls, for a large field would be prohibitive.
The event is a match and we should either make it one day or two days and not cater at all for the casual golfer. Stableford should not even be mentioned.
Reply : Thu 3rd Sep 2009 14:36
OK my Two-pennath.
1. Its a match, so play it that way. One team against another, how you get that result doesn't matter but you can't play Match-Play and Stroke-Play together.
2. Middle ground is the Birmingham area. SW= M5, SE = M1. NW = M6 and NE = M1.
3. If you find a good venue then OK, keep it there for a few years.
4. A two day event is better if we have to travel a fair distance to get there.
The idea of Jct15 off the M1 being central may be OK for the guys who have played in this match in the past but if you want to expand to all members you have to look at who could play. Our friends from Newcastle and The Boarders won't want to travel long distances to play a One-Day Event. Guys will fly to Portugal for a weeks Golf so why not move the NvS around Holiday Centers and involve families. Bridlington Links, Conwy, Rookery Park & Hollingbury Park are all courses that could be used. Haven Holidays now have good quality 9hole tracks at 9 of their Parks.
Just a suggestion for 2011 and beyond.
Reply : Thu 3rd Sep 2009 15:03
If we do go ahead and make it a 2 day event then i would agree with john and david to have the first day as a foursomes
i would also go so far as to agree with david again lets make it texas scramble
Reply : Thu 3rd Sep 2009 15:39
Either play medal or matchplay. Certain courses wont allow texas scramble, especially if there are a lot of competitors but it's a good ego boost.
Reply : Thu 3rd Sep 2009 17:52
I know why you said greensomes instead of foursomes, Darren, you don't want to play off my drives.
Reply : Thu 3rd Sep 2009 18:02
Don't care as i cant play in april.
Reply : Thu 3rd Sep 2009 18:14
Thats not the spirit Gary
I would say central and matchplay.
Reply : Thu 3rd Sep 2009 18:42
Gary the match is in September/October, not April.
Reply : Thu 3rd Sep 2009 19:43
I never am David, but it could be if the match was spread over the 30th Sept and 1st October, highly unlikely I know. Are you still blaming me because your sky caddie cannot add up.
Reply : Thu 3rd Sep 2009 20:51
April, you say, I thought it was being chnaged to later in the year next year. But what do I know being a daft old twonk.
It is not my fault that your game collapsed on the inward nine, nor the skycaddie's.
Having said that, you did give us all a lesson in consistency, which was nice to witness, David.
Last edit : Thu 3rd Sep 2009 20:53
Reply : Thu 3rd Sep 2009 22:01
I think the 1st north&south match was in the autumn.
Reply : Thu 3rd Sep 2009 22:46
Yes, Yes, Yes and either.
Reply : Wed 9th Sep 2009 11:18
I believe that I've read in previous threads that there is often a shortage of southern based players. Is this because we're considering Birmingham to be in the centre of the country? I've just been on the AA Routeplanner and the distance from Berwick to Plymouth is 471 miles therefore the middle point is around the Derby/Leicester area.
Maybe this would give more balance to the teams.
Reply : Wed 9th Sep 2009 12:37
Never having been able to attend one of these games yet, but hoping to get to the next one, here are my views.
1) Scrap the Stableford and make it strokeplay.
2) Not bothered!!! Once the venue has been decided then people have time to arrange travel. Some years you will gain, other years you won't, swings and roundabouts.
3) Yes, if it's decided that we will use the same venue each year I'd be happy with that. My only stipulation would be to make it a 'Good' venue. Belfry, Forest of Arden, etc. Not just a course that somebody likes and it's near to where they live.
4) Yes to a two day event. The only thing I can think of is that we have a 'Main' event and then we have the 'Two day' event. The main event would alliw the people who cannot make both days to play one of the games.