Friday 31st afternoon game anyone?
Anyone fancy a game this Friday afternoon (approx 2pm - 3pm) at Belhus (Aveley) or Mardyke (Ockendon) in Essex?
Found some good prices on TeeTimes but need at least 2 players to get discount.
Reply : Mon 27th Jul 2009 22:45
Nice idea Paul but I've been pushing it recently with the number of games and with playing weekdays so I'll pass this time.I need to backoffand get some family time in...
Last edit : Mon 27th Jul 2009 22:45
Reply : Tue 28th Jul 2009 14:34
I'd be happy to join you but work comes first at the moment.
The problem is that I could be available but wouldn't know until late Thursday!
If you do book some tee times put them up as a game and if I can make it I'll come over and join you.